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I'm fucking tired of your petty high school bullshit. It's times like this that I'm glad we aren't together anymore because now I can see how childish you really are.
You are immature and mean. You really are and always have been. And probably always will be. Because that's just who you are. A selfish child that never takes other people's feelings I too account.
And you can try to fight me in this but I have undeniable proof that you were a shit girlfriend. Here I'll go ahead and name one for you! Remember how on multiple different occasions I tried to get you to watch lord of the rings? I even watched the first fast and the furious with you like I SAID I WOULD COUGH COUGH HINT HINT and even then you wouldn't even give it a chance. You knew that that is my favorite movie and yet you refused to even try it. I wanted to share something important to me with you and it treated it like garbage. Hell you even tried to get out of it with sex once.
And I fucking took the bate because I was so fucking in love with you that I would have done anything for you.
I'll let you in on a little secret about what I had planned for our upcoming anniversary. I was gonna take you up to the mountains to go zip lining then out to dinner then I had planned to take you star gazing and I was funnily enough considering proposing to you, and look how well that fucking turned out.  I was so so close. I was looking at rings and necklaces thinking about the perfect one for you.

Ya know, for a long time after you dumped me, I would have done anything for you. Like say if you had gotten pregnant and the dad didn't take responsibility? I would have dropped everything and come back to you if you had asked for it. Because even though I wouldn't let you back, I was still so deep in love with you and a family with you is all I wanted. But not anymore. After that last message you really showed me what a bad person you are. That entry was an honest and pure dump of emotion and you aimed it like a gun.
If I had to use a term to describe you it would be emotionally manipulative.

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