Fuck you

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You think you hurt? Youthink you're upset that's really rich coming from you. first and foremost you started that fight that night because you didn't like it that I was comfortable hugging on a friend, kathryn was one of my only two friends and I hadn't seen her in months you know how affectionate I was, it shouldn't have come to any surprise to you. and the whole thing about wanting to take a?  the only reason I agreed to that was because I thought you had gotten tired of me I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore you started the fight that night I went along with it because I thought you would be happier. And you wanna know the reason I didn't take you back even though I was fucking dying? It's because I wasn't going to end up in a relationship where my partners first instinct after a fight is to break up. You didn't even try and resolve. You're first thought was to leave me like yesterday's garbage. I wasn't going to marry that, I wasn't gonna bring up children with that. and I'm so glad that you can talk about your feelings because you know what? I could never do that with you it was always about you it was always about what you wanted was always about what you needed it was never about me I never felt safe coming to you with my problems and if that doesn't scream ducked up to you then I don't know what's wrong with you. Don't ever talk to me again. Don't message me. Don't seek me out. Don't approach me in public. Fuck you and your stupid hick boyfriend

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