Chapter One

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Kevin Anderson was sleeping at his office desk, it was the middle of the afternoon on a sunny July day. He was in his late twenties to early thirties; he blue eyes his hair was buzzed off about a week prior and he yet he felt like he was alone in the world. There had been rumors of a woman who a paid mercenary and she was trying to find out secrets to the nations and sell them for profit. The woman's name was Strife. Kevin had a fixation about blonde chicks anyway, he sat as his desk twiddling his thumbs and looked on about. It was then he heard the door swing up to his bosses office and Kevin looked down at his desk and started to fill out paper work so that he wouldn't get called out.

"Ahhh, Mr. Kevin Anderson, the stud of the company, would you mind, helping me out with something?" The Boss said. 

The Boss was a big bodybuilder kind of guy, he had these cold gray eyes that could cut a person down to size without even lifting a finger to do anything. He was what the suits called "a man who was in the business and he wasn't going to leave the business until he had an entire kingdom." This made Kevin a nervous wreck, which, he got up and followed the big man to his office.

"Have a seat." The Boss said and gestured to the chair which Kevin slowly sat down in "I've been watching your performance charts, and lately, I don't understand what's happening, every three days, you plummet downwards in towards the red area. Is there something you want to talk about, something that maybe is bothering you?"

Kevin took in a breath and slowly looked The Boss in the eyes "no, not that I can think of, I stay up late trying to catch the weather and all the news, plus I've been working hard on any missed assignments that had been handed out during the week you know?"

"Look, Kevin, it's okay, what you say here to me is in confidence. Trust me, what's going on in that mind of yours?" The Boss asked.

"Well, lately, I've been having these dreams, dreams where I don't know who I am, but yet I can do all these different things. Like I know they're dreams but sometimes, they feel so real, I woke up today with blood coming from my forehead, and I don't remember being hit there except in my dreams." Kevin answered. 

It was a plain Jane answer but it was one that got The Boss off of his back, but he didn't look to thrilled about said answer. "Well Mr. Anderson, looks to me that you need to go see a sleep specialist." The Boss said looking at him. "Just make sure that you start getting on the ball because next week is records week and we need everything up to par alright?"

"Yes sir." Kevin answered and was gestured to leave.

Slowly he made his way back to his cubicle and sat there looking at the computer screen before it had apparently just shut off on its own. So Kevin sat there looking at his computer screen and tried to figure out what the problem was. 

                                                 'We have been watching you Kevin"

Kevin was confused when the words came onto the screen.

                                  "Many nights when you are alone, you look for him."

Someone had figured out that he had been looking for Vicarius, a man that brought down many government organizations. He was the one who was supposedly setting people free, or at least, that was rumor. But from the first incident that he saw the man, it drove him crazy each night trying to find out where he would be next.

                "Tonight, you need to follow the white rabbit to seek the answers you're looking for"

It was after that message did the screen for his computer start flickering back on again. Did someone try to find him? Who was the one messaging him through his computer? Was this all real? Or was it all just make-believe? Kevin shook it off like it was nothing but a bad dream and he needed to wake up.  Taking a deep breath he stared at his computer screen, he hated wearing a suit to work because he was different, he was able to do things that only a few others had been able to do. Now, he was told that someone had the answers. He could only think of one man. Vicarius. 

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