Chapter Six

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"Shit." Punk cursed seeing the phone in the hands of an Agent. 

"Mr. Anderson, will you please come with us, we wish to not have to resort to bloodshed." Agent Judas said dropping the phone.

Vicarius brought his handgun up to point it directly at Judas. "I'm sorry, but, we cannot allow you to do that."

"We're not giving him much of a choice, either he comes along with us, or you both will die right here and now." Agent Judas said.

The situation started to look grim for the team of three, but Shogun couldn't sit there and watch it all go down. He looked over at Viper who was in charge of the ship. Viper knew what he was thinking and he knew what he was about to do. 

"You're not going in there, that's an order." Viper said placing a hand on Shogun's shoulder. "We just have to see how this plays through." 

"I can't sit here and watch them all get killed." Shogun growled.

"You have your orders." Viper reminded him.

"Fuck orders." Shogun spat pushing him aside and then got up sitting down grabbing the cord to jack into the Matrix. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Viper yelled at Shogun walking up towards him.

Shogun looked at him "I will not allow them to die, watching them die is a disgrace to my heritage. I'm going in and saving them. You want to stop me. Kill me." 

Without much to say Viper turned around and sighed, then he gave him a wave. Shogun eyed him for a moment then stuck the cord into the back of his head. Viper walked over to the computer screen and jacked him in. He hated insubordination but, he could understand honor and dishonor. "You better fuck 'em up big time Shogun, or I'll have to kick your ass myself. So you better not die out there."

Shogun grabbed a Katana and a sniper rifle, he was geared up to the teeth; once he was in the Matrix he hurried to their exact spot, he found a building that he was able to hide in and take cover.


"Mr. Anderson you don't have a lot of time, I could easily destroy your port out of here and kill you here in the Matrix, just like I had killed your father." Agent Judas remarked. 

As soon as he brought up his handgun to point it at the phone, there was a loud bang and Agent Judas found himself laying on the ground, Eon, ran over and grabbed the enemies handgun and brought his up as well holding one in each hand. 

Agent Judas had fallen back with a bullet hole in his chest "Mr. Anderson, that hurt." 

Hurt was something machines couldn't feel, something that they weren't programmed to do, but this astonished Eon for a moment or two as he turned the handgun and begun firing several rounds at the enemies which dropped to the floor with a thud. 


Viper had watched the fight as it had stopped and for a brief moment, but then Agent Judas had left the body he had control of. Picking up the phone he called Eon. "Eon get the fuck out of there! This was a test to see what you were capable of, get out, he's on his way but this time he ain't alone!" 

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