Chapter Five

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"Don't worry, he'll be worth it, just have faith." Vicarius said as he walked away.

The next morning Eon woke up with a start, he was not in the Matrix anymore, he was in the real world. This world was covered in machines, grease, grime, and only very few people, as far as he was concerned they were the last people on the face of the earth. Eon was tired, he hadn't gotten that much of a good night's sleep because he was already so dependant of the Matrix. But it was time to break the cycle and begin anew. 

Vicarius saw his new man, Eon was so out of it; he walked over gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Look, there are more than just us, I thought the same things your thinking about right now. Yeah, it's messed up now, but with you by our side, it can only get better. Today we're going to jack into the Matrix and we'll see the Oracle; if we have time, I'm going to train you. So I guess be prepared." Vicarius said pointing to his head "up here."

"Yeah, okay..I will keep that in mind I suppose." Eon said monotonously.

Viper came down the ladder "good mornin' mother fuckers, hope you all slept well because we got some bad mother fuckers just lurkin' about." 

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Vicarius asked looking over at Viper. 

"Well, they didn't pop up on radar until only moments ago, I think these mother fuckin' machines have created cloaking devices, so it's gonna be hard to pick up on them." Viper explain.

Vicarius looked around "Viper, from now on, we're going to run echolocation so we can pick up the ping on the radar."

"As you wish, sir." Viper said going back up the ladder. "Yo, we runnin' the echolocation to pick up on these mother fuckers."

After Viper had yelled it was quiet on the ship, Punk made her way out of her room, she looked at Vicarius and Eon, but said nothing.

"Alright everyone, it's time for myself, Punk, and Eon to jack in." Vicarius said watching Punk sit down in the chair. "Eon, this may feel a little awkward, so try your best not to freak out, because we need you alive." Vicarius picked up the cord and slid it into his brain, the shock made him gasp but he then went into a sleep.

"That's pressure for you." Eon remarked sitting down trying his best to relax, Vicarius waved Shogun over towards the group "jack me into the Matrix." 

"Yes sir." Shogun replied watching Vicarius sit down in his chair, he then walked over towards him and he had done the same thing to him as his leader done to Eon. 

Eon opened his eyes to nothingness, it was a white area and that's all he could see. He was a bit confused to the fact that he had no idea what was happening. He was alone, and that started to mess with his head. Just this place alone would drive one mad.

"Where the hell-" Eon started

Vicarius cut in "-are you? This is a loading program, from here we can get anything from clothing, to weaponry, this is the first stop, since Agent Judas is running amok, I am going to fit you with a handgun for now, you still need training, but this will be a last line of defense." 

Eon was baffled he didn't know what to say. 

"Shogun, bring up the arsenal of handguns" Vicarius said and without missing a beat something came from the distance and it was an array of handguns. "I suggest you take the M-Nine handgun it's a standard nine millimeter Beretta which holds point forty-five millimeter Parabellum rounds. The police use them often. Don't worry no one is going to be able to track them if you have to discard it. You see we're ghosts of the Matrix now, any sort of personal information about us has been wiped from the memory banks of the Matrix."

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