Chapter Four

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Vicarius smiled.

"That pill was part of the tracing program, in short it sends signals to your outputs carriers, and tells us on the surface where you are. Come with me, there is, one thing we must do before we retrieve you."" Vicarius said looking at him then pulled out his mobile phone. "Viper, it's time." 

"T-Time for what exactly?" Eon asked nervously.

"Now, listen carefully, the Matrix is a dream, a perfect life for human kind, however, this is just a lie." Vicarius replied

Just then Viper, Killswitch, and Punk walk in with huge duffel bags and without word they started to unpack. Eon couldn't believe the swiftness of these people, it was happening so fast, Eon found himself hooked up to machines and he heard the heart monitor go off with beeps every few seconds. He took a breath and listened to idle chatter between the four of them. Vicarius looked over his shoulder and then turned away and grabbed the glass of water and dumped the water out and told him to hold onto it. So, Eon did what he was told to do because what else was there to do?

The machine was hooked up, he was holding a glass, yet something was off, he could feel it melt in his hands, but his hand was become translucent, and he felt cold. His vitals started to increase, which this worried Vicarius, so he pulled out his cell and dialed into the operators number.

"What is the situation there?" Vicarius asked.

"Working as fast as...shit we have swimmers." The voice said. "Fuck...fuck fuck.."

"Find him we don't have much time." Vicarius yelled wanting them the operator to work a little faster "Any day.."

He was cut off "locked on, we got him. He's coming home."

Things were happening so fast, first he was seeing them, but then he couldn't even say a word to them. His body wasn't moving even though he was struggling.

Then he felt his movements, as if he was in water, quickly he opened his eyes and he begun struggling, he was thrashing about, until he put his hands on this, this gunk, he ripped it open with his hands, which was a struggle because he felt so weak. As soon as there was an opening he pulled a giant tube out of his mouth which was shoved down his throat. Eon gagged and took in a huge breath, it was like the first real breath of air, it was musty, smelled horrid like the earth or where ever he was, was filled with pollution or something he had to get out of this. As he tried to move he screamed out in pain, because there were so many wires attached to him, which were in his skin and bones. 

Something came over him, the shadow washed out the light around him, as he looked up a huge spider-like machine came and started to undo his plugs. The machine calculated that this body was defective and it needed to be tossed away quickly. When the wires were removed he was then flushed like waste from the bowels of a human. It was then he found himself trying to swim to keep his head above the water, real panic started to set in and he didn't like that one bit. That's when he had heard a huge splash from behind him.

"Eon, don't worry I got you." Said a voice that was strikingly similar to that of Vicarius.

"Okay, okay." That was the only thing that Eon coul muster up at the time before throwing up into the water. After which Eon blacked out from exhaustion.

Vicarius drug the body to the ship and he found himself getting help from his crew. He didn't say anything but they took Eon's naked body and covered him up to keep warm. This was probably his first real nights sleep outside of the Matrix, away from all the programs and other anomalies working to make that world a place where everyone lived a lot better. Vicarius walked into his quarters and laid down staring at the nothingness around him.

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