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2nd Person POV

"Harrison, explain to me again how you have never been to a pumpkin patch before? It is one of the most basic fall things you could do!" you exclaim to Harrison as you drive him to the nearby pumpkin patch in your hometown. For the past five minutes, he's been only staring out at the cornfields and empty land on the way to the patch.

"I-I don't know, I'm also never usually out in open land like this. It is always the city." He says and turns around to face you while your driving. "By the way, I'm hungry, is there food at this pumpkin place that's not pumpkin related?"

You breath out a small laugh, causing a small smile to form on Haz's face. "Yes, there are turkey legs, funnel cakes, pies, and my personal favorite, kettle corn. We might have to try it all, but kettle corn is at the top of that list."

"You're in charge, Shorty."

"I am not that short!"

"Y/N! You are literally sitting on a booster seat to sit high enough in the car! The only reason I'm not driving is because I don't know how to in America." Harrison must have been hanging out with Harry too much lately, the sassiness has gone up lately.

After you two arrive to the pumpkin patch, you take Harrison by the arm and drag him across the parking lot to get to the front gates. There aren't many people in line since it is in the middle of a Tuesday and most teenagers are still in school at the moment. As you were paying, Harrison took in all the sites and smells around him. Giant pumpkin heads, tons of corn stocks, and dirt. Lots and lots of dirt.

Harrison follows you in, looking around at older houses and animals near the entrance. Before you could even tell him the plan for the day, Harrison was already staring down at the goats and taking pictures with them.

"Hey, Osterfield, there's this place where I always take the same picture over time that I do with my family every year, but now it is your turn." He just nods his head, snapping more pictures. "I swear to god, there's more goats down to the left there, just come with me!"

Eventually, Harrison agreed to follow you. The picture you wanted is with a giant pumpkin person who has a measuring tape with it. Every year, you and your family would see how much each of you guys had grown every year and now you can begin that tradition with Harrison.

You got a random volunteer to take a picture of Harrison placing his arm on top of your head like an armrest and you being angry about it, a cute pose you two like to do often. The volunteer was even mumbling something about "cute couples these days" under her breath.

On Harrison's command, you showed him to the other animals. There are chickens, more goats, a llama, a horse, and even rabbits in the petting zoo area. Basically Haz's idea of heaven. He took so many pictures of them, including selfies with the animals, but he was loving every second of it. You were even able to take pictures of him taking pictures of the animals.

It took you at least ten minutes to get Harrison away from the animals and towards the go karts. They have been one of your favorite attractions at the pumpkin patch since you were little, that and the corn maze. You and Haz both got on to separate karts and began racing around the track. A couple times, Haz almost fell over, but you knew this track like the back of your hand.

Haz kept whining about how stupid the go kart racing was, so instead, you two hopped on a two person go kart and rode together around a different track. He much preferred doing this one instead.

On the way to the carnival game area, Harrison got distracted by the smell of turkey legs. Curse them always being in convenient places. Haz bought himself a turkey leg while you found a small picnic table to sit at nearby. When he returned, he already had the turkey in his mouth and sauce all over his lips. You will have to admit though, their turkey legs and really good, so you stole a couple of pieces from Haz.

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