Why Him?

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Y/n pov
"Y/N!" Jack yelled to you.

What appears to be a monster walks to you and pins you to the wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in my apartment." his Morgan Freeman like voice said.

"I-I didn't know it was yours, w-we'll leave." you stuttered

"GET OFF MY SISTER YOU BULLY" Jack yelled and tried to jump on his back.

The same force that held you down held him in the air and a sharp bone was shot through him





It happened almost in slow motion as you kicked the monster in his leg and ran to your little brothers side.

"Come on buddy, stay with me! Don't leave me Jack!!!"

"(y/n)... its okay big sis...don't worry about me... i love you so much" Jack said, trying to keep his slowly drooping eyes open

"please Jack... don't leave me alone... you're all I have left." you cried

"It'll be okay... I promise..." 

His eyes fluttered closed and his body went cold.

"Are you done?" he said from behind you.

"What did you say?" 

You were already pissed off that he killed your little brother but after that he has the nerve to disrespect him...

You snapped at him


I am so sorry for not updating in a while i just have school and its a ton of work but in my spare time im gonna be making this story but it maybe a while sorry please dont hate me :3


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