Suffering and an Untold 'I'm Sorry'

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y/n pov

He let me go and threw me onto the ground making my side hurt by the way i fell.

"Don't test me." he said in a low voice.

How is he gonna say he's gonna kill me and just throw me down. I just want to be with Jack again. I looked over at his dead body and felt like i was going to throw up. I covered my mouth so he wouldn't hear me cry.

"why couldn't it have been me" i said silently

"TAKE ME INSTEAD" i yelled

I wish we didn't come here in the first place. We would be safer and Jack would still be alive. Maybe if i do test him he'll kill me or (TEN MINUTE WRITERS BLOCK) maybe he'll just hurt me and leave me to suffer some more.

I decide to be smart and get up to lay down on the couch.

As i lay down i get an idea. i take my blade out of my pocket.

"One way in One way out"

I sneak through the halls as quiet as possible and open the first door...

Its a bathroom... Cool?

I open the next door and i figure out its a bedroom but he's not there.

So i try the next room and it has the light on. I guess he's still awake so i stt wait until he is asleep and i creep back to the living room...

More like living hell...

(see what i did there)

I lay on the couch and without realizing i fall asleep.

GSans Pov

I knew she was was up to something so i kept my light on and didn't go to sleep. After awhile, I crept out of my bedroom and into to the living room to see if she is asleep. 

She was  indeed asleep but she had something tightly grasped to her chest.

I took a closer look and it looks like a small flip blade.

'I'm taking this' i thought to myself.

how am i going to get it from her. i grabbed the bottom of the blade and lightly pulled on it. She shifted and turn onto her side. i look over at my hand and saw i have gotten the blade . I quietly sneaked back into my room and closed the door. I turned on another light so i could examine the blade.

Red handle

Sharp Blade

Dried blood on the end

Name on th-

Wait, dried blood on the end?

I ran my finger along the edge of the knife. Hmm... Did she kill someone or did she do this to herself? I might ask her but then again she probably won't answer me truthfully.

i did kill her little brother after all why would she tell me anything.

Maybe i should tell her im sorry.

When the time is right i guess.

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