-Two: Blood in Darem-

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His eyes brighten as the setting suns kiss the horizon. Great blue jets of light illuminate the darkening sky making him wonder, just for a moment, what life could have been like if he had stayed. But he can't think like that now, I made my choice.

"Keep your head down," comes a harsh whisper from behind him.

He ducks down, squatting in the mud and is met by a pair of piercing bright blue eyes staring down at him. His supple leather boots fold and stretch with every movement as he waits for the call he has heard a thousand times before. He brushes his shaggy hair from his eyes and takes out a band to tie it back.

He no longer gets nervous, but waits, breathing in and out, in and out. He listens to the surrounding sounds, the rustle of the trees, the last remaining animals being ushered inside their pens for the night, hears the howling of the wind in his ears straining his senses.

He rolls his broad shoulders loosening his muscles; cracks his neck and hands releasing the pressure. Checking his leather jerkin, he finds it tight around his chest, as it should be, then feels his dagger is loose in its sheath at this belt. Finally, he makes sure the broadsword strapped to his back is within easy reach. He grabs the hilt, squeezing the familiar grip of leather and steel. He settles, happy with his routine and awaits as the final rays disappear on the horizon.

"Breeeeeeup, toowee." Comes the call.

"Finally," he says under his breath.

"Hush, Kantos. We are all ready, keep your own thoughts," says Blue Eyes.

He drops his head scolding himself. Fury building inside that he let something slip. "It will not happen again," he whispers, determination in his heart.

"Good," answers Blue Eyes. "It is time, we move now."

Blue Eyes looks to his left; a glint in his eye. "Kantos. Take Ferren and Bados to the left. Derry, you take Flinn and Garett right. The rest of you with me. You all know the plan, let's go!" he says it with no hint of a smile, his piercing eyes looking towards their goal, hard and cold.

Kantos goes left along the trench, his men following along behind. They move quietly, watching their step as they scramble out from the trench coming up alongside a small dilapidated barn. Holding up his hand, the others stop instantly taking a knee. He steps to the corner taking care not to step in the surrounding puddles. Slowing his breathing, he peeks around the edge, squinting in the darkness.

He sees them then, the royal soldiers standing guard. Their red and black armour of house Bal reflecting in the torchlight, each carrying a short sword on their hip, a shield on their backs and a man height pike in their hands.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. His jaw clenches - there should be twelve. His chest tightens as his heart beats faster. He searches the village square for the others, his eyes darting from one place to the other.

Searching the shadows, he sees a glint of armour coming from the right. Two more guards round the corner of a small hut. He can hear them chatter away to each other as they head in their direction. He freezes, not even breathing as they pass within an arm's length of their position.

They pass by Kantos and his party unaware of the danger that is about to befall them. As they reach the other soldier's one of them laughs, slapping the other across the back. Now is the time! He thinks in his head; we need to move now before they carry on their patrol. But I must wait! Wait for the signal. I must be a good soldier. I have to show him.

Kantos looks from one hut to the next, still searching for the remaining two guards when it comes: "Toowit, toowit." A distant sound, the call to move.

Aurora - Book One of The BrightStone SagaWhere stories live. Discover now