Fights - Calum Hood 2/2

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5 days later Calum's POV

I'm so stupid. I lost her. I lost her just to go out for the night. When I left that night I couldn't drink, I didn't want to come home drunk and see her upset face so I stayed sober.

*flash back to that night*

It had been a boring night. No drinks and no silly games. I was going to go home and spend time with y/n, cuddle and apologise. I walked up the steps to the house, seeing all the lights off I unlocked the door quietly incase she was asleep upstairs. Closing the door behind me I turn on the hall light. You go to put your keys on the glass hallway table. I looked down to see a white sheet of paper with her scrawny handwriting on it, blotches of ink splayed where water had touched and merged it. I pick up the piece of paper with my name on the folded half. I opened it.

Dear Calum,
 I know that being called a bitch is no reason for someone to leave, but this has been building up ever since I decided to move in with you and I think we both know that. I’m sorry that No I’m not sorry. I’m not sorry that I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend. If that makes me clingy, then so be it. I love you Calum, but this just isn’t working out. It hasn’t for a while now. So, I’ve decided to leave and stay with a frie-

I couldn't finish it, I broke down and cried sliding down the wall that I had used for support.


I sit there on her side of the bed, clutching the soft pale blue jumper she left behind. "No Calum. You need to get up and look for her" I try and re-assure myself. Slowly I peel myself from the bed, not bothering to look in the mirror knowing I look shit - I walk down the hall in darkness. Picking up my keys I walk out the door, locking it behind me.

I have decided I'm going to go to Luke's house, he always knows what to do in every situation. He might even know where y/n is, the two were always close.

Walking along the gravel path upto his door I lift my hand to knock when I hear a girl giggling. I slowly lower my hand down and creep along the cream coloured wall to his window. Looking in I see y/n and Luke running around with buttercream all over her face. I scowl. They are both laughing. Like grabs her waist in one hand and smears more butter icing onto her shoulder. She turns to face him, slowly the stop laughing. Luke starts to lean in, as does she. They are kissing.

I turn away tears building up, the cork in my throat putting pressure on my voice box. I choke back a sob. I slide down the wall the tears falling freely. The pain unbearable.

I start to sing to myself the song that was ours "love runs deep, deeper than the darkest sea , so drop your guard and love me" tears start to rack my body. I'm sat there for a while ... I don't know how long... All I know that it is dark.

I pick myself back up and put my hands inside my pocket, I feel a small delicate object; I pull it out to reveal a small red rose with y/n on it. I turn it over to see my writing "I'm sorry, I love you". I look at the door and back to the rose. I place the rose down on the door step and look up at re white door once more.

"I love you" I whisper into the dark. I turn and pull my hood up as I walk away. Forever.

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