Trust - Luke Hemmings 1/3

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So this an imagine series that I found and I kinda fell in love with them! Its a Punk Luke imagine series by and with her permission I have been allowed to post them becuase I want you guys to see these amazing works.

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You feel broken inside, so you pick up your blades again. They call to you, and you just aren’t strong enough to ignore them this time.

"What are you doing?"

You look over your shoulder and see the school bad boy, Luke Hemmings, standing drunk in your doorway. 

"That doesn’t concern you," you’re  a little bit intimidated by him. He used to be so clean, but now he was covered in tattoos, and he was at every party. All of the girls were always talking about how good of a hook up he was. None of them ever hooked up with him twice, and he’s never had a girlfriend. He’s never shown any interest in you, no one ever has.

So why is he here, at this party, in your room? Why is he trying to stop you from doing the only thing you feel like you can?

"I think," he slurs. "It is very much my concern."

You can;t understand what he’s doing. He’s obviously sloshed, which is the only explanation you can come up for his paying attention to you, good or bad.

"Go back downstairs Luke," you tell him. "You’re drunk."

"Not drunk enough," you hear him mumble. You hear the door shut, and breathe a sigh, of regret and relief. You have no interest in Luke, you remind yourself. He’s as bad as they come, and you don’t need anymore bad in your life. Your head already has too much bad in it.

Still, it would be nice if someone cared, just once.

It doesn’t matter, you aren’t good enough for him-or for anyone-to care anyway.

You focus back on what you were doing when you were so rudely interrupted. The blade, your wrists. Just as you’re about to make a cut, when a hand grabs your wrist, and yanks the blade out of your hand.

"I don’t think you should do that," Luke whispers in your ear. "You don’t want to mark  up such beautiful skin with such ugly battle scars."

You feel the tears start to gather in your eyes. You pull up your sleeve, wordlessly showing him all of the many battle scars that came before this one.

He puts the blade down, out of your reach, and lightly grabs your wrist. “What must have gone through  your pretty little mind to make you do this?”

"You don’t want to know," you tell him angrily. "No one ever wants to know."

He turns you around, so that you’re in the circle of his arms. He doesn’t seem as drunk as he did before. Maybe this has sobered him up some. “I want to help you.”

"You mean fix me," you growl at him. "News flash, no one cares. I’m not fixable, and no one will ever care. So go back to your drinks, and your girls, and my brother’s party downstairs, because that’s where you belong. The bad boy Luke Hemmings doesn’t need to pity the quiet girl whose name no one knows."

You look down so that he can’t see the tears in your eyes. You wait for him to do what you said, to let you go and go back down to the party. Back down to the world where he really belongs. 

"Audrey," he whispers. "Your name is Audrey Chambers."

You look up at him, in shock. He is the king of the school, why does he know your name?

"I want to help you Audrey," he gently wipes away the tears that escape. "Let the bad boy help the good girl. Let me show you that I do care, that people do care.”

You can’t afford to believe it, it’s just too good to be true. You whisper to him. “This is just the alcohol talking, you’re drunk Luke.”

He looks mad now, and you’re afraid he might hurt you. You’ve never spent any time with him, you don’t know what he’s capable of. And you are alone in your room. The music downstairs is so loud, no one would hear if you screamed. You’re suddenly terrified of what he might do to you.

He sees this, and lets go of you. But, he picks up your blade again, and puts it in his pocket. “I won’t hurt you, and I won’t let you hurt yourself. I’ll show  you that it’s not just the alcohol talking.”

He walks to the door, but turns back to you. “You’re not alone Audrey.”

You stare at the door as he walks out of it, and wonder if, maybe he was serious. Maybe he can help you.

Maybe you aren’t alone.

You take a deep breath, and head out to search for someone you never thought you would be searching for.

You’ll give Luke a chance, because you’re just so sick of not being good enough. Maybe Luke can make you forget.

It’s a lot to risk on a maybe, you think, searching the party for him. But a maybe is always better than a definite no.

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