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Chrysalis awakened the next morning to barking and scratching at the door. When she got out of bed and opened the door, a dog came in and wagged it's tail, yapping happily. "Tch...". Chrysalis said under her breath. Yet she managed to follow the dog to the royal court room, where a meeting was about to take place. Chrysalis gasped softly as she saw the stallion from before. Although he was the only one sitting there, he was writing in some sort of book as he awaited the arrival of the royalty. As soon as he glanced at her, he gazed upon her beauty. "Why, hello Queen Chrysalis!". He said, smiling warmly. Chrysalis blushed brightly as he came up to her and kissed her hoof. Chrysalis stuttered a bit, making Sombra chuckle. "Wh-why are you doing this? Why are you calling me your Queen?". Chrysalis managed to say. Sombra said nothing as he led her to the balcony.

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