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Gratitude is meaningless, It is only the expectation for further favors.

Status: High. So excuse me is this doesn't make any sense at first, but I work better when high, it makes everything more exciting. Anyways, Hope you enjoy the first chapter of medicine, It was truly inspired by Thomas, obviously, but it was also because of the movie requiem for a dream, suicide room, and the song 'Medicine by Daughter. '


"Listen, you Malibu, middle class barbie piece of shit! I'm tryna' work here, work, you ever work?!" He pauses for a second, letting the girl calm down a bit from his yelling and the current tied up situation she was in. "Yeah I'll bet you have, scoopin' ice cream with your shit-heel friends on summer break!" The girls tears' were hot, rolling down her cheeks faster than ever, her features were flooded with desperation and confusion, and. . . fear. 

"I ain't talkin' about no goddamn white socks with mickey mouse on one side and Donald duck on the other, I ain't readin' no funny books mama!" The man's hair was long and white, bleached heavily it looked like. It almost looked as if his hair had been wet or heavily greasy because it hung low and was thin. He had a white tank top on with long black jeans, His name had presumably been Otis, at least that's what they told the four teenagers visiting here, in need of a tow truck because their car broke down on the side of the highway--

"Why exactly are we watching this again, its a horror movie, Thomas, for god's sake, can't we replace this with something nicer?" Patton was trembling as he watched the television screen with worry, he hated these kinds of movies, but he can't deny that he enjoys some horror, just not white cracking hill billie horror movies, cause those seem to real to him. 

"Patton, its alright. Its just a movie, they're all fine, just actors." Thomas reassured, although it seemed as if he was trying to convince himself in a way.

"Our bodies come and go, but this blood, is forever." He held up his hands and the girl cried harder at the sight of them and looked away for a second. "Now, I'm gonna remove your gag, But! If you make so much as a fuckin peep, I'm gonna cut you like a pig and make you eat your fucking intestines, you got me?" 

"Jesus Christ," Roman mumbled, coddling his pillow on the sofa, oddly interested but so horrified by how real it all seemed. 

Otis reached for the gag slowly, and pulled it from the girl's lips. Otis sighed when she actually didn't make a sound but she couldn't help but to ask, 

"Why are- Why are y-you doing this to me? Why are you doing this?" She choked out, her breathing off putting and rapid. 

"Doing what? Messy up your day?" His eyes were cold and amused altogether

"Where's Bill? Where is he?" She kept going, ignoring his answer.

"Bill?" He questioned,

"Where is he?" She repeated,

"Bill? Oh well. . . he's a good guy. Oh, he's been a great help to me! A real blessin'. I mean, I couldn't have asked for a better specimen. You don't know, what kinda dry spell I've had here, Total Block! Total Block!" He slammed his fists against his temples, startling her a bit. "But Bill, He's okay." He smiled viciously. 

"Where . is . he?" Asking for the last time,

He sighed before the screen flashed to another scene, showing Bill, tied up, breathing heavily, sweat and blood smeared all about on his face. Suddenly the camera zooms away from his face to the door across from him, and two people come in smiling with hatchets, One skinny blond girl who's curls were to die for, Her name, was Baby and Otis was beside her. They were siblings by blood. Baby went over to the radio on the small broken desk in the back that looked as if it were 100 years old. 

She turns on the radio and Brick House starts playing. She starts to dance as Otis comes closer to Bill  and cuts his face up bit by slicing with his own knife, Baby starts to laugh and so does Otis, but Bill starts screaming, his arm being chopped, clean off, the gore of the scene was beautiful. 

Patton scrambled up to Logan quickly and clung onto him for support while paying close attention to the movie. Thomas did feel slightly guilty but it was recommended to him and they said it was good so he agreed to give it a chance, but he doesn't know about his alters though. They all were freaking out, even Logan was a little flustered. 

"Thomas! You know the rules! You're lucky enough to get your own TV, and I specifically said no to this movie, Its not that I don't want you to watch it, but its for the benefit of your mental state, I'm sorry. Maybe you can ask Becki if you can watch it." And just like that all the sides were gone, back in his mind again, He hated it when they left like that, avoiding every social situation, making him rely on himself for everything. Its understandable, they still have to restore.

"I feel like a child here, Don't do that, Randy, I don't appreciate it at all. Treat me like a fucking person. I'm not sick, just drugged up, I'm not crazy either so I can watch whatever I want. Now please turn the TV back on." She turned on the lights to get a better look at the pale man. She looked hurt and disappointed at his words,

"Whats up, you never speak like this to me. Are you Thomas right now?" In response, He growled under his breath and started to bounce his leg. He hated when people asked him that, it was always a constant question since they were introduced, and he hates that everyone knows that he--

"What's up? God you people are so disgraceful. Since when do you talk to a patient like that, so casually. Well to the looks of it, you have a date night, so you're trying to calm yourself down beforehand, you have an outfit in your bag downstairs, two outfits to be exact. You're pretty naughty for a middle aged woman, and since you brought them in your bag, he's picking you up from here and you plan to change. But you're not looking for a relationship at all, but you're doing it anyway. It seems as if you're trying to force your way into liking it, trying desperately to please your rich parents. Well, You should cut it off now, he's psycho and has major trust issues, you'll have lots of fights with him if you continue with this, he'll end up abusing you in the end and I really don't wanna come to terms with that so please, for your own benefit, be nice."

"Logan, you be nice, she just wants to have fun." 

"What does fun mean again?" 

"I hate it when you act like that." 

"Yeah me too," 

"Roman we talked about this,"

"Oh fuck off!"

"Thomas!" Randy snapped her fingers to pull his attention back, all his alters were trying to speak out, begging for the spotlight and he looked like he was about to burst in tears, but it had startled him more than anything, Breaking the light altogether, he felt a rip in his mind and started to breathe heavy, he clutched his pillow tightly, trying to regain his breathing but nothing was working. He clenched his fists in frustration as the black hole in his chest felt as if it was getting bigger by the second. 

"Get out!" He mumbled angrily, but it seemed as if she didn't hear him. He twitched as he felt the slow distorted feeling wash over him, comforting him like a blanket, calming his senses completely as he felt as if his mind was being split and switched. He felt his eyes close and fell into complete bliss, in his happy place, in a field full of flowers. . . he felt so, so tired. 

"I'm afraid that we are going to have to ask you to leave. We will be downstairs for the next prescription tomorrow, he will be fine." Randy recognized Logan's voice immediately and gasped a little, she wanted to have another conversations with the alter but his eyes were glossy and determined, almost guarding Thomas a bit. 

So Randy nodded and understood the predicament, but also felt guilty, knowing she scared Thomas. She knew better than that, truly she did, but Thomas seemed like he was getting closer to recovering but I guess he'd have to start all over again, but she wasn't gonna tell Becki about it, cause Randy knew that Thomas would have to stay even longer at the ward, 

And he's been there for four years. 


Things will make sense soon, also, that movie is called House of 1000 corpses.


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