2; Nothing good ever Lasts.

79 6 0

"People have died,"

"That's what people do!"

Status: just enjoy this



   The mindscape had been rearranged the last few hours and I've come to the conclusion that Thomas might be changing some things up. Since a new room has been added to our lounge area. I went in and it was extremely dark, there was but one light inside and it wasn't an actual light, not regular ones anyway, almost LED and it was purple. 

   Logan had told us that we were to be expecting this at some point. A new personality is supposed arise soon but we don't have the exact date so we're prepared for anything really. We always have our own designated areas but we all like to spend a lot of time with one another, we haven't known each other a long while. 

   I decided to check up in headquarters where the other sides were located at, watching over Thomas in a way. On my way there, there was a small whistle starting up in my ear, no not whistling, ringing. Deciding that it wasn't that big of a deal, I trudged up the steps with no care in the world. 

   Before I could even get my fingers on the doorknob, my head had suddenly felt like it had been sliced in half, cut like paper and it felt like being stabbed multiple times inside. I clutched my hair tightly, swearing profusely as the pain started to ebb on, getting even more painful by the minute. My blood ran cold as I started to black out, I let out a startled cry and suddenly I was in Thomas' work office, heaving onto the ground. I looked up to find Logan and Patton in the same state as I was. 

   Shocked and a bit wheezy, I stood. My feet felt numb as I took a few steps forward, matter of fact, my whole body seemed to be numb.

"Whats happening, Logan, this wasn't what we planned." Patton's breath was heavy, and he clutched his chest, his face was flushed with tears and I could see that he was paler than ever before. 

"You two did this?" I asked, immediately jumping to the first reasonable conclusion. 

"N-no," Logan shook his head feverishly, standing up as well. "But there definitely is something wrong. Can we go back into the mindscape?" He asked, and I tried but, there was no use. Logan drifted off thinking as I shook my head no, his gaze traveled to the floor and up to where the phone was, the wire dangling annoyingly. 

   Both of our gazes landed on the man against the wall, holding his knees to his chest, staring at the open window. He had no emotion on his face, and his eyes were glazed over completely, he breathed shallow breaths, avoiding moving at all costs. 

"Thomas?" Patton breathed lightly, stunned by who he was looking at, that wasn't Thomas, at least not any longer. He made no move of acknowledging Patton's presence, just sat still, staring into the open. It was late by the looks of it, so how long had he been sitting there? All day? Where was Leo? 

"What's wrong with him?" Patton asked Lo but he simply couldn't answer. He had no idea.

"What time is it?" I asked and Logan lifted his wrist, looking at his watch. 

"10:37 pm. Why?" 

"Thomas, where's Leo?" At the mention of his name, immediately cut Thomas out of it, snapping him back into reality so hard that it was almost terrifying to know that he was locked in that state for so long. 

"Who?" His eyes were still focused forward, his voice was trembling and it was small, he looked so vulnerable.

"Leo, Thomas. Where is he? He was supposed to be home 3 hours ago. Why are you acting like this, come on, snap out of it." I flinched when Thomas violently stood up, I could see him shaking from a far distance. He walked out of the room and we made a desperate attempt to follow him. 

"Thomas, seriously. What's happened?"  Logan persisted but Thomas still wouldn't answer, and he avoided all eye contact whatsoever. He went downstairs and grabbed his keys in the bowl at the entrance, ripped open the door and left. 

"Let him go. . . " Patton called to us and we turned around to face him and he seemed to be just as confused as we were. This had never happened before, we had no idea how to handle this. 

"What do you think is wrong with him?" I asked them and they all but looked at me, and shrugged.

    We sat on the couch in silence, completely stunned by the whole situation. I suddenly heard a hitched gasp come from beside me, I looked up quickly and saw Patton on the ground clutching his chest. I must've been so intuned. . . that I-I guess I didn't realize my surroundings.

"Jesus!" Logan scrambled beside him and attempted to comfort him but only panicked in the process. So I rushed to Patton and pulled him for a hug and he clutched my arms. 

"What's the matter? What's wrong? Please someone tell me, what the hell is going?!" Logan's face was flushed, and I could tell he was on the brink.

"It just hurts, everything hurts, Lo. M-My head, my body, everything physically aches." Patton was shaking against me and I tried to whisper in his ear and tell him not to worry but his condition didn't lessen, only worsened if that were possible.

"Maybe you should lie down?" Logan suggested and Patton nodded. I helped him stand up and Logan sat back on the couch and got one the big pillows and lied it down on his lap, Patton took the hint and proceeded to lay in a fetal position while Logan started massaging his temples and playing with his hair. 

   I went into Thomas' bedroom and got one of his spare blankets, already wanting to take care of Patton more efficiently. I went into the kitchen to grab some water and Advil, I walked my way over to him and handed him the water and pills, while draping the soft purple blanket over his body. I sat back down on the couch and put him fingers to my temple, waiting for something, something to happen next, waiting for something to go wrong. 

   Not even fifteen minutes later, the door opened again and Thomas appeared, with a big brown bag. He didn't look at us as he moved to the kitchen. Did he even know that we were here? It certainly didn't seem like it. I looked to Logan who pleaded with me in a form of a glare and I sighed, getting up and going to the kitchen. I saw Thomas unload his bag, he put multiple bottles on the counter, Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, Beer, you name it, he had it on the counter.

"Thomas, you don't plan to drink all of these, do you?" I asked, 

"Problem?" He asked, stopping his movement completely. 

"Yes. It late and you're not a drinker, anyway--"

"I'm tired of people telling me who I am and what I'm supposed to be, maybe I wanna try new things, Roman." He says quietly, his voice barely a squeak in my ears. Worry filled my gut and I rubbed my temples once more.

"Thomas, would you please just tell me what the point in all of this is, what happened to you? We just did a video yesterday, everything had been fine--" 

"Roman, please--" 

"No, Thomas, you've been worrying all of us and I wanna know why? Why can't you just tell me--"

"Roman, stop." Thomas pleaded but I had begun to get angry, what the hell was this all about?

"Tell me! What's so hard about expressing to us what--" He was cut short when Thomas suddenly picked up an empty wine bottle and threw it at the wall, shattering it completely. Roman was stunned, the sudden crash, startling him completely. He watched Thomas breathe heavily, leaning on the counter, his fringe in his face. 

"You really wanna know?" He asked but I couldn't respond, my throat was tightening. I hadn't meant to upset him. 

"Leo he. . . " I watched him gulp hard, and cleared his throat. Before he finished, the Jack Daniel's bottle of whiskey was popped open with a hard twist. "He's dead." 

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