3; Waiting Between Worlds; Hold on.

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Every fairy tale needs a good old fashioned villain. 

Status; Sweaty and ready to slam my body against the keyboard until I pass out. 


   Logan and Patton sat in the living room, hearing bickering come from the kitchen. He could easily just turn around and listen in but Patton left him worried, eager to care for the younger as he lied on his lap, trembling. It was absolutely silent until a big bang and the sound of glass breaking startled Patton so bad, that he flew up and stood, even though the state he was in barely left him conscious. 

"What was that?" His breathing was shallow and it looked as if he were struggling to stand. Logan shot up, and held onto Patton, letting him lean on his body to help regain his posture a bit. 

"Lets go find out." Logan and Patton waddled their way to the kitchen, as they were walking down the hall, Patton suddenly stopped, making Logan halt as well. Logic glanced at him and he stood, almost holding his breath. 

"What is it?" Morality then took steps forward slowly, and entered the kitchen, ignoring Logic's concerns completely. He could do this. He was stronger than this.

   As they entered, Logan's first glance was to Roman, who stood there zoned out, almost like he was in another world. Logan snapped his fingers, trying to bring Roman's attention to Morality. Prince looked up, dazed and confused, but soon came to realize that Logan was attempting to talk with him. Patton turned his head towards Thomas, who was now sitting on the floor with unopened bottles around him, he gulped down his whiskey fast, ignoring the stinging in his throat and around his lips.

"Thomas stop it, its late, you should sleep." Patton weakly tried to persuade him but Thomas all but looked at him funny, but it wasn't nice, it was an icy glare and it was directed specifically at him, which made him want to shrink down back into the mind palace and cry. 

"No." He stated, taking the last few gulps of Jack Daniel's and opening the bottle of Vodka,  Leaving Roman and Logan surprised, and slightly sad.

"What happened to him?" Logan whispered to Prince and he gulped, sighing quietly. 

"Leo, he. .  . he died, that's what's wrong. He's grieving, Logan." Patton's breath hitched as he stared at the heartbroken man on the ground. The walls seem to close in on him, the dizziness washed over his pain and his knees buckled, he felt the ground come closer and he had no control over it. Logan tried to hold him up but Patton completely went limp. 

"Patton!" Logan yelled, desperately trying to get him to stand back up. He ended up sliding Patton against the wall, holding him there. Thomas didn't react, nor do anything to help, he just sat there, drinking hard liquor, attempting to drown out his feelings. 

"Logan, I have an idea as to why Patton is like this," 

"Something is better than nothing." Logan sighed, and looked at Prince. He sighed before continuing,

"Patton is Morality, Thomas' view on right and wrong, also, he's the heart. Thomas is utterly heartbroken, which means, Patton will feel the same way, only worse." 

"But that wouldn't make sense, wouldn't that make all of us like this, since we're all a part of Thomas. Or is there someone else who-" 

"Make your intentions clear, the universe does not respond well to uncertainty." A loud voice boomed throughout the house, and Logan and Roman went back into the living room to investigate. Their eyes met with another man, their features still and they looked more interested in their nails to look up and see the others. 

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