Kayla,Sierra and Samantha's Story

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This is my new book. I honestly HOPE you guys just love it and HOPEFULLY I could get more comments then the last one.Also, their will be more then one person's POV.. BTW, I don't own anyone but Macy and some others. The rest is Stephine Meyer's : ] Thanks for clicking this instead if anything else because, what is an author without fans?



"Knock Knock time for school girls." Seriously. I hated this, waking up at the crack of dawn to get to school. I yawned and opened my eyes then closed them back. " Ugh! " I growled. My name is Kayla Black, I am now 6 years old, almost fully grown and waiting for life to really start. When does life really start you ask? As soon as me and my other 2 sisters graduate from Forks High school. Which is this year. It's September 3rd. The first day of school. Also mom and dad's 10th year anniversary. I have 2 other sister's Sierra and Samantha. Also known as Sam, for short. I hated to walk. And that's why I never really had to. Me and my sister's are triplets. We have gifts of our own. My gift is AWESOME! I can fly around and stuff. Like you'd see a bird in the sky. Yet, it's not a bird it's me. I am also the oldest. By 6 seconds of course. The second oldest is Sierra. She has control over everything. She can mess around with your insides. Move you when you don't want to move. She has control over Bones, Heart, Brain.. Everything. Which scares me because, what if she kills someone without trying. What then. Which is why, she learns how to control it. On her own of course because nobody else I know has the gift. Sam is the 3rd born. Which makes her spoiled ROTTEN because she's younger then us. Even though, mom calls her the baby of the family. we are each the same age! It drives Sierra and I crazy. Her gift is to feel someones weakness. It comes in handy all the time.

" Kayla wake up! " Sam screamed.

"It's okay i'll get her up." Sierra always made me do things, it was too funny when she made our teacher pick her nose in front of the class.

Sierra stood me up and made me slap myself. "Get up!" she yelled. Her screaming voice made me want to lay back down.

Sam came rushing in the room with a bucket that sounded like water was in it. I moved as soon as she tried to poor it on me.

"Wake up!" she yelled. I moved and next thing I knew there was water ALL over my bed. I hated being the oldest.


She came in the room in seconds and heated the bed up until all the water was now dry. She had 3 abilities. Pain, which really hurts when she's mad. The 4 elements, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Also she could show you what she's thinking without saying a word only one touch.

We showered, brushed our teeth then got dressed. It only takes 5 minutes for me. But then more like 6 mintues. When we were young looking, like we were 15 years old. We had to ride a stupid human yellow school bus. Now, we have a Black Charger, with pink, blue and green stripes on the sides. Which we rode to school. It was a gift from mom and dad on our 6th birthday.

" Alright. Let's go, we gotta get to hell on Earth. " I laughed.

" It's called school and your going to stop calling it that because if you don't that nice new Samsung ya got will be mine. " Mom said

" Sorry. See you later mom LOVE YOU! " I said.

" Bye mom. Love you! " Sam and Sierra said. We got into he car and I drove us the LONG way to school.

" The school is the other way Kayla. " Sam reminded me.

" Well, I'm taking the long way. " I snapped.

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