Chapter 10 : A Tragety and a Victory

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When I woke up the next morning, Dakota had his hands on me holding me close to him. I looked around at Sam and Kayla and Seth. They had been sleeping peacefully. I removed Dakotas arms off of me to see that my clothes were on the floor. I know I did not do that. Did I? Dakota had on his boxers and no shirt. And I had on t-shirt and panties. Slowly, I opened the door and went to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed something on my left hand. A ring. It was big and it didn't really fit my finger. My breaths turned to gasps and Dakota came up behind me kissing my neck. Then I was shaking. Thing started to fade away. And someone had been screaming at me. Who is it? I wondered.

It had all been a dream.

When I opened my eyes I felt someone shaking me, I had no idea who it was but they had to get off of me before I exploded. To late. Who ever was on my they just got pushed into a wall putting a big hole in it. I sat up and it was mom. 

" Oh my god mom I am so so sorry! I didn't know who was shaking me and-- I'm so sorry! " I cried lifting her up off the ground.

" It's okay. I needed it. " She laughed. Everyone stared at me. EVERYONE! Even Amy who never really seemed to care about vampires. I looked at dad crying. Dakota hyad done it again, he made me stop breathing. That bastard! I moved everybody out of my room got dressed and jumped out of the window to find him. He's somewhere and I will find him and I will kill him. He is starting to get on my last nerves. As I continued my search Roshon flashed right in front of me making me knock him over. His eyes were blue and he had beem up for hours. I could tell because he looked so drained. 

" Roshon, please let me go. " I was angry. And he would make it worse. 

" No Sierra, you will not win a fight against Dakota. " He said. His words made me more angry. My eyes were bruning and it felt like they were on fire. 

" MOVE! " I screamed making him run out of my way. I kept running until I found him. He was sleep in a little tree house. Bum! I walked in the little play house and he woke up. He stared at me and grinned. As I stood there brave as ever waiting for him to make the first move. He got up from his slumber amd walked towards me.

" Why won't you die you little piece of human. I could drink every sip of you right now. " He laughed a small laugh.

" I guess your dummer then I thought. I am half vampire. " I smiled. His eyes got wide. 

" I'm so scared! " He said sarcasticlly. His eyes were so colorful. It was like he just got done eating a box of rainbows. 

" You should be really scared. " I crossed my arms over my chest. Suddenly I couldn't move. But he thought he was so smart. I just had to stop his half beating heart. I didn't have to move my hands to use my gift. All I needed was my mind. 

" Let go of me. " I whispered. He looked at me and let me go. 

" You got some gift. Would you like to join me? We could do some damage. " He panted. I thought about what he just said. ' Would you like to join me? ' Hell no!

" Well, if you feel that way then. " I couldn't feel anything. Not even my mind. He did something. But what?

" Now, you have no choice. " He smirked. I knew what he was about to do. Take me away. 

" I tried to kill you, not once but twice. Your little boyfriend, Roshon, is next. " Everything went black after he said that. " I love you Roshon. " Was my last thought.



Dakota was going to do 1 of the 2. Either take her. Or kill her. I didn't know which one but I felt something tugging in my head. It was a voice. And it wasn't mine.

" Thought your little girlfriend could save you huh? Well, she's with me now. " The voice said. It was Dakota. I knew it. He had her. I fell to my knees as he put her last thought into my head. ' I love you Roshon. ' Tear came streaming down my face. Right now I need Amy. AMY! I flashed back home and Amy stood right in front of me. She smiled, happy to see me. Then she noticed I was crying. I hugged her tight before she could even ask me what was wrong. 

" He took her Amy. " I whispered sobbing. Her heart stopped then started. 

" What? But, how? " She asked with tears in her eyes. I couldn't answer that. It just made things more unbearable. I couldn't let any of this happen. He wasn't about to kill her. No. I flashed me and Amy back to the Blacks house to tell them. Before I got in the house Alice came hugging me. She let go and ran back over to the family sitting in the family room. 

" How did he take her Alice? " Amy asked. Alice looked up, her face was emotionless. Like she just lost everything. Because, it's like she did. I did. Everyone lost a piece of themsleves.

" She found him in a tree house, and he did something to put her whole body on mute. She couldn't move. He wanted her to join him. She refused and made him let her go. Then he asked her again and she still refused, he froze her mind so she couldn't stop him or anything. And he took her. " Alice said putting her head in her hands. I can't lose her. Kayla and Sam were red faced. Red eyed. And broken. They ran over to hug me. Amy sat down and stared straight ahead. Mom's coming. 

" You need to look Alice. You can see her. Just focus. " Mom said talking threw Amy.

" Bonnie, I can't. " Alice sighed.

" Look. Tell me exactly what you see. " Mom encouraged.

" Okay. It's dark, but I can see her just a little bit. She is struggling to get away from him. The picture is coming in clearer now. Dakota is... he is trying to decide if he should... Ugh. No, I can't say it Edward you tell them. " She sighed.

" He's trying to dicide if he should - rape her or not. " Edward slowly said. I froze. Everyone froze. 

" Alice, can you see Sierra clearly? " Mom asked, her nose flared.

" Yes! I can see her! " Alice yelled. " And Kayla and Sam. " She added.

" Good, now tell me what is going threw her head Edward? " Mom asked. I looked at Alice, she was smiling. Tears filled my eyes, I cannot lose her. I really want to kill him! When Sierra yelled at me, her eyes were blood shot red. That's the only reason I didn't stop her again. 

" She's thinking about Roshon. She wants to come home and cry all day. She feels stupid for not listening to Roshon. How can I hear her? " Edward asked. Mom laughed.

" Your focused. You and Alice have been on your game. That's good. " Mom smiled. 

" What do you mean her eyes were blood shot red? " Edward asked looking at me. I pictured her eyes when she screamed at me and Edward gasped.

" How? " He asked. ' I don't know. ' I thought. 

" Yeah, I just saw it. Sierra's eyes were red as ever. It's because when a Half vampire Half human is angry and that have that eye color, there eyes turn red. Kayla, does your eyes turn red sometimes? " She asked.

" No. When i'm mad my eyes stay the same. " She mumbled. Her face was red.

" Sierra said her eyes were bruning when they turned red today. Well, she thought it. " Edward said. 

" No. " Alice and Edward whispered at the same time. I then knew, that Sierra was not a virgin. Now I'm really going to kill him. 

" I have to go. Tell Amy I said I love her Roshon. I love you Roshon, and I hope you can get her back. " Mom said. Amy was asleep when she got back. 

" So, where is she? " I asked Alice. She looked up.

" In some kind of, cave. I know where it is!  Come on lets go get-- I have an Idea. We don't have to kill Dakota. " Alice said. 

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