Chapter 70

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Some time in the future

Courtney and Olivia sat in Courtney's kitchen. Not on any chairs, they sat on the floor leaning their backs against the island. It was an evening during their Christmas break.
Kari and Courtney had put up Christmas lights and decorations, to which she and Olivia had been admiring it.
Christmas music was playing from Courtney's phone softly, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

They held hands and watched the blinking lights, sitting in comfortable silence.
"I'll miss you," Olivia muttered, gently stroking Courtney's hand.
The blonde looked to her with an amused smile. "You've said that three times now," Courtney replied, squeezing her hand. "I won't be gone long," she reassured.
"The next time I see you will be next year!" Olivia exclaimed.

Courtney thought she was being absolutely adorable.
"I'm seeing my dad for Christmas and then my mom for New Years, it's just a little while. I'll call you often."
"Still too long," Olivia murmured, meeting Courtney in the eyes.
"It'll blow by, you'll have a great holiday, and one I get back, we'll have a few days left before school."

"Can you sing for me?" Olivia asked once the song changed. Courtney grinned, and turned the song up higher.
They sat facing each other, and Courtney gently sang along to All I Want for Christmas is you, making Olivia chuckle a little. Courtney smiled, letting Mariah continue on by herself, as Courtney grabbed Olivia's hands.
"You sound amazing," Olivia said lowly, as they stood up, still holding keeping their fingers threaded. They gently swayed and slowly, Courtney leaned closer to give her a kiss.
Passionately, time froze for a few moments. As brief as they were, Courtney pulled away and gazed into her girlfriend's eyes.
"Olivia," she whispered. Olivia hummed, she smiled as the blonde smiled first. "I'm in love with you," Courtney confessed.

Olivia blinked, still watching her. Her expression unchanging.
"I think I'm in love with you too," she replied. She moved forward to nuzzle Courtney's neck and held her tighter.

That was that. The two girls stood there, in Courtney's kitchen. A mistletoe not quite hanging over them but instead one hung in the living room.
Once the boys got there, including Ian and Anthony, Keith and Noah would utilize that piece of Christmas.
Courtney's ukulele sat in her room, leaning against the wall but standing on her desk. It would be used tonight as Olivia was fast asleep and Courtney's mind too wide awake to try to sleep. Her heart was too fast. The girl she loved laid on her bed, waiting to be cuddled. The girl she loved.
Woah, Courtney loves Olivia, and she finally admitted to it tonight.
What a wonderful Christmas.

"Is that okay?" Olivia asked, still within the embrace.
"That I only think I do? Is that good enough for you?"
"You don't have to worry about it Liv, it's... Heart melting. I'll wait for you to figure it out and even if you don't, I'll wait."

After a few minutes, while the carols kept playing, the lights still blinking, Olivia pulled back a little bit. She pecked her cheek and furrowed her brows.
"What's wrong?" Courtney chuckled.
"I'll miss you," Olivia grumbled. "So much."

The end.

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