National Anthem

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It was getting dark out as FP sat in his truck outside of Harper's house. He came to pick her up to see her after several days of being away on business, but his mind was somewhere else. Harper hurried out to the truck and hopped in, immediately pulling FP into a long hug.

"I didn't realize how much I missed you." She smiled and looked into his eyes, pressing her nose up against his, forehead to forehead. He weakly smiled, pulling away from her and putting the truck in gear.

"I missed you too." He muttered, reaching out and holding her hand a little too tight. His hands were never this cold.

"FP, are you getting sick? Your hands are like ice." She asked, running her free hand over the top of his. He shook his head, usually he would have thrown her a look but his eyes didn't leave the road. Harper rubbed her hand on his, trying to warm it up. They drove to his trailer.

"You don't wanna go to the Wyrm tonight? I'll let you win at pool." She chuckled and watched him leave his truck and slam the door without a word. She watched as he walked to his trailer, unlocking the door and going in. Harper hopped out of the truck and ran after him. She walked in to the trailer and didn't see him. She glanced around the corner and saw him lying on his bed on his back with his right arm draped over his face. She stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame looking at him.

"Sorry you're missing the Semi-formal tonight." He moved his arm away and looked at her, patting the bed next to him. She eagerly crawled next to him and flopped down, her head resting on his arm. She placed her right arm over him and kissed his cheek.

"I'd miss every dance to be with you." There was no receptive smile on FP's lips, there was no chiding the young girl who was in love with the man.

"What's going on," She said quietly, "And don't say nothing. I know when something is wrong with you and there is definitely something wrong with you right now." She frowned nuzzling into his neck. He rolled so that he was facing her, draping his arm over her side and kissing her on the nose.

"It's just business Darlin'."

"FP, business never makes you like this." She paused, hesitant, "Does this have to do with Jason. Jason Blossom." FP's eyes went fiery. He looked at the girl in front of him, she was becoming more a Serpent every day and he didn't know if he loved it or hated it.

"I know they haven't find his body." Her eyes flitted over the man's face, begging him to let her into his secret world.

"Harper, leave it." He said. She looked away muttering I'm sorry.

"I just don't want you involved in my affairs, Darlin'. It's just for your own safety." He placed a short kiss on her lips. They were chapped.

"But what about your safety, FP. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you." Her mind refused to wrap around the reality of a world without FP in it.

"Hey, Darlin' nothing is gonna happen to me. I have to stick around and take care of you. Remember?"

"What about Jughead." She said, looking up into his eyes. They looked away, he rolled back over.

"What about him." His voice was cold, just like his son's.

"I met him, FP." He looked back at her.

"Where? When? How did he seem?" His voice began to shake slightly.

"He's fine. Just investigating the case I guess." Harper sighed and FP glanced over at her.

"He's what?"

"Investigating the murder. He's writing some sort of piece on it." She shrugged and he looked up at the ceiling, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason." He said.

"You know he's just like you." She said, hoping he would look back over at her. He shook his head.

"He's just like his mom."

"Well maybe he used to be. But I'm telling you, I felt like I was in the presence of a young FP Jones, all angsty. And hungry!" She laughed and so did he now, he turned back to her and kissed her.

"Well, hopefully you still like this Old Timer." He smiled and she nodded.

"No one I would ever like better." They began to kiss slowly, meaningfully. His hands began to trail up her back, brushing against the bare skin where her shirt came up slightly. Her breath hitched and she felt a lump rising in her throat. 

FP's phone began to ring. He let out a frustrated groan before getting up and leaving the room. She sat up and leaned on her elbows, sighing.

"What?" He barked into the phone. Harper followed him out, and leaned against the wall watching the man she adored. She just wanted to stare at him all day. His face drained of color as she watched him. She was scared he might fall over.

"Wait, they what." He took in a sharp breath before slamming the phone down so hard Harper jumped. He turned back around and looked at the girl. 

"What is it, FP?" She whispered. He began to shake his head, grabbing his keys off the counter and taking her hand.

"They found him." He growled as they got into the truck. Harpers stomach began to twist.

"F-found who?" She already knew who it was.

"Jason. They found Jason's body at Sweet Water River."

Darlin' ~ FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now