Blue Jeans

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"Is there something you wanna tell me, Darlin'?" FP glanced at the girl who was laying on his couch. He stood in the kitchen doorway looking down at her, she was perfect. Laying there in her sweatpants and one of his Henley shirts.

"No, why?" She looked at him now, worry was playing over his face. He let out a shaky breath, walking forward he sat down on the couch. She automatically moved and snuggled into his side.

"You would tell me if there was someone else. Wouldn't you?" He said, kissing the top of her head. She looked up at him and frowned.

"What are you talking about? There's nobody else, FP. You know that." He sighed.

"I know, I know it's just..." He trailed off, feeling foolish. She frowned again, not understanding what could have possibly made him feel this way.

"It's Jughead." He said, finally. She cocked her head at the man.

"Jughead. As in your son. You think I like your son." She couldn't fathom why he would ever think that.

"Who else would I refer to as Jughead, Harper? Yes, my son Jughead. I saw you walking with him the other day outside of Pop's and he seems to care for you." FP sighs and rubs a hand roughly against the back of his neck. Harper moved to his lap and sits facing him.

"FP, you're who I want. Not Jughead or anyone else. Plus you're wrong, Jughead has his eye on someone else." She smiled, thinking of Betty. "You should ask him about it. I bet it would make him happy if he knew you were interested." She played with his hair as he sat thinking.

"I've tried to show interest, he just doesn't care, Harp." He sighed, rubbing his hands against her back. She shivered.

"Are you going to the last drive-in tonight?" He asked and she nodded.

"Will I be able to see you?" She asked, hopeful. He shook her head and her mood faltered.

"Harper, you know why we can't do that. Remember, you promised that no one would find out about us. Plus, I have some business to attend to." She arched an eyebrow at his mention of business. No matter how hard Harper tried, she couldn't seem to want to get her nose out of FP's business. She was so curious and interested, and not in the least bit scared.

"And before you ask," He said basically reading her mind, "I have a contract with a woman and her husband to do some work." He said, she leaned in, inches from his lips.

"What kind of work?" Her hot breath tickled his lips. He smirked and pulled her closer.

"The kind that doesn't concern you, Darlin'." He pressed his lips into her and rolled over her on the couch. She pulled him on top of her, pushing her hips against him. She felt a slight knot in her throat as they continued to kiss passionately. His hands crept underneath the shirt she was wearing, he tugged slightly. She reached down and pulled it off quickly. He sat back stunned at the beautiful girl underneath him. He began to kiss down her neck and her collar bone. She gasped as he sucked gently on her supple skin.

She bit her lip, biting back whimpers.


The night of the drive in was chilly, early fall was beginning to set in. She wrapped her leather jacket tighter around her slim shoulders. Harper wasn't sure who to sit with. Betty and Archie were nowhere to be found, Polly was away somewhere, and she wasn't really friends with Veronica, Kevin, or Cheryl. If anything she actively tried to avoid Veronica. FP had told her specifically not to go near him, so she went to the only person she knew she could stand.

Darlin' ~ FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now