Pawn Shop Blues

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FP Jones was technically a working man. He had a steady job and pay. He was the gang leader for God's sake. But the thing is, that was not very well known, or respected for that matter. Jughead Jones wanted his father to be a respected man and FP wanted his son to respect him. Sadly, FP knew that that day would most likely never come. So when he got the call from Fred Andrews that he had an opening to come and work, FP wrote him off. But that changed when Jughead showed up at FP's place, early one Saturday morning. FP had had a rough night at work and hadn't seen Harper in days. He turned to liquor to nurse his wounds.

When he heard the trailer door open and slam shut he stumbled out of the bedroom, curious as to who it might be. When his son turned and looked at him, he saw the disappointment spread all over his face. FP glanced down at the laundry on the floor and dirty dishes and cups everywhere. He hadn't had a reason to clean up in a while.

"So the prodigal son returns." The conversation went downhill from there. FP couldn't do anything to make his son happy and vice versa. The conversation left FP feeling drunker than before. His head was swimming as he tried to comprehend why Jughead couldn't accept what FP did, and that he was proud to do it. Little did he know what the future would hold for his own son.

He put on a flannel, looking over himself in the mirror he shook his head. He almost resented bending to Fred Andrews. The man that had screwed him and his family over for a few bucks. There was nothing FP hated more than bowing to those who struck him down. He was angry as he walked to his pickup and slammed the door behind him. As he rolled up to Fred's jobsite he felt anger rising in his chest. He needed to do this, for his boy, for no one but his boy.


Harper sat quietly in a booth at Pop's, Pink Floyd flowed through her headphones as she read a book, tapping her sneaker against the opposite booth. She was sipping her milkshake when the four men arrived. Her eyes went wide. He glanced over and saw her sitting there under the neon lights. He almost smirked but controlled himself.

The girl was so proud that he got a steady job, although she was fine with the whole gang leader thing too. She watched as the four interacted with each other. She saw this father side of FP that she never thought she would. She got up to leave when she finished her Strawberry milkshake.

As she walked by the table the boys called her over.

"Hey Harp!" They said in unison. Both boys and their fathers smiled at her. She walked over to the table, pretending to be oblivious to FP's beautiful presence in front of her, and he did the same.

"Harper, this is my dad, Fred." Archie smiled and Fred reached out and shook her hand.

"It's real nice to meet you." He smiled, and she saw where Archie got his big heart from just by looking at his eyes.

"And this is my dad, FP Jones." Jughead said, she heard the pride in his voice even if FP didn't. She looked at him now, he smirked and held out his own hand to her.

"How you doing, Darlin'." She almost laughed.

"Fine thank you, Mr. Jones." FP's eyes twinkled.

"I'll let you all get back to your meal, it was nice to meet you all. Bye Arch, bye Jug." She smiled at both boys, and allowed her eyes to linger on FP as she sauntered out of the diner, without a care in the world.

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