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richie: sorry phone died

eddie: it's fine

richie: but anyways

richie: what should i do man

eddie: talk to her more and if you really like her go for it

richie: ok ok

richie: she gave me her number what should i say

eddie: be like "hey it's richie from detention. what's up?"

richie: ok aaa i'm nervous

eddie: then don't do it

richie: too late i sent it ohmygsjsjs

richie: she said hey

richie: WAHT DO I SAY

eddie: ask her what's up

richie: but i've already asked it would be awkward to send it again

eddie: fuckin do it

richie: ok ok she said nothing much


eddie: just imagine it's one of your friends. talk to her like you'd talk to me

richie: ok i can do that

richie: thank you

eddie: no problem at all.

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