Hey! Did you know I love you?

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We had a close call didn't we.. But I will say that one day that week broke up tore me apart and I couldn't imagine how you were. I'm sorry that I did that I really am. Let's just forget that even happen and go back to the way we were. Please.. Lately after the first fight we had it seems there was an invisible wall that was built in between us. I notice that the things you always told me you aren't saying anymore. Like the deal with your mother or the people who are bulling you. I get that people are bulling you because of me but the one thing I wish you would do is tell me when you are hurt or something is bothering you. You've been so distant and so have I. I don't mean to but ill find myself off in a different world filled with no lies or madness and end up forgetting to text you back. It might seem that I'm ignoring you but I'm not. I was taken off my medication so now I day dream so much more like I use to when I was a kid and it gets in the way of our conversations. If I ever offend you or not listen feel free to tell me what I've done wrong and repeat what you said but don't get angry cause it doesn't help getting angry over if I can't help it. Also my anger issues are off the charts lately and the slightest thing can set me off like a time bomb. (I snuck in some atl for you c;) I'm sorry if I ever yell at you for something so small. Just know that I'm not trying to hurt you cause I love you. And as for your mother if she keeps her shit up I'm going to have a serious talk with her that might get me kicked out of your moms house. I won't hurt anyone but I will get the point across to her that her words hurt more that just you. Please eat everyday from now on. And I will too. I love you and there isn't a thing I wouldn't give up for you and your well being

I love you <3

Good night babe

Sweet dreams


To my dear girlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now