The Winning Team

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  • Dedicated to twigs143

A/N – This message is just a quickie – I need suggestions for a character’s name, please! I have a few ideas myself, but if anyone can come up with a better one, I’ll happily use it – and I’ll dedicate the chapter to you! The character is Russian, educated, and pretty good at fighting.  Don’t worry about me adding a massive number of new characters – this is pretty much the only one from my own head, and he’s not even a really major player. And now, on with the story!

The Providence cafeteria was overflowing with party balloons and streamers, with multi-colored confetti streaming from the ceiling and a rogue monkey tossing pizza slices at unsuspecting Providence grunts. The party was on, and had been raging ever since Captain Cailan had caught the Consortium cowering in an underground bunker originally designed for nuclear fallout. Their powers had been completely removed, and they were now a disgruntled group of rich people who had all their assets frozen indefinitely. As Captain Cailan had remarked later to his team, “Where did they think they would hide? I mean, Rex’s wave reached all the way to the other end of the globe, for pity’s sake, an’ they thought a mile or two of rock could keep them safe? Funny thing, though. When we caught ‘em, they came almost quietly. We wondered why, until we looked under the table and saw Black Knight lying there with two blacked eyes, four teeth knocked out, two broken ribs and seven other assorted broken bones around her body. Seeing that made my day, it did. Hell, it made my decade.”

The speakers for the intercom and alarm systems had been re-wired to a DJ desk, and the party was in full swing. In the center of all the celebration was Rex, the man of the hour – no, the man of the century. After all, he had single-handedly ended one of the greatest plagues that humanity had ever known, and he had turned down the offer to become a god, not to mention the fact that he was also a pretty fun kid, always good for a free soda or two at the Providence cafeteria vending machines. So it’s no wonder that all the scientists and soldiers of Providence insisted on giving our hero a prolonged standing ovation to top off the festivities for the day, with even White Knight – who had wasted no time in reclaiming his office and video screens – giving a hand.

Familiar faces were everywhere. Noah, as an honorary Providence agent, was there, taking goofy pictures of Rex posing with Holiday and Six, who looked like he’d rather be eating broken glass than be standing there. Agent Kenwyn Jones walked by talking animatedly with Walter (aka Squid) with Tuck following, one arm draped over Cricket’s shoulders. Sure, Van Kleiss still had his powers and was out there, but why waste time worrying about him when the world had just turned right side up, after having been upside down for six terrible years? That was the dominant mood in the room, and there were only a few serious people thinking of the future.

One of these people was Agent Six. He was worrying about the future. Look at these people. Sure, they’re happy now, but soon they’ll all be out of a job, and – then what? Truth be told, Agent Six wasn’t sure he would know what he’d do with himself if, no, when Providence disbanded. His new morals wouldn’t allow him to “run with the old gang” and take up assassination contracts like he used to in a past life. Also, he privately wondered what White would do after this – he was still the only nanite-free human on the planet, but that wouldn’t mean much now that everyone’s nanites were deactivated permanently. What would Rex do, as well? Once the original hype and drama had faded away, the kid would become a freakshow again, him and the monkey that Rex had neglected to cure for some reason.

Six was nudged out of his gloomy thoughts by Dr. Holiday, who had bumped into him as she reached over for a slice of Beverly’s cake, which had proved to be much more edible than her older sister’s failed attempts. Six eyed the Doctor discreetly through the edge of his sunglasses, secure in the knowledge that his eyes were hidden by his shades. He studied her face, drinking in every dip and curve. He had never done this before (and was mildly shocked he was doing it now, in fact), as he was a firm believer in keeping one’s mind on the job at hand. However, it had struck him recently that there was, actually, no job at hand, leaving him free to indulge in his infatuation with the good Doctor. No, scratch that – infatuation was a bit too strong, not to mention that the term was a bit demeaning when applied the sixth most dangerous man on the planet. How about lo- Six stopped his train of thought right there. There was no way he was going down that road anytime soon. Attraction. That’s it. Mild attraction. That’s all it is. Satisfied, he started internally when he realized Holiday was talking to him.

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