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A/N - I’m really, REALLY sorry about the delay, but it turns out that the AP prep was much harder than I thought. Now that that part of my life is done and dusted, I can move on with my writing, which is so much more interesting that Physics and Calculus, don’t you think? Still waiting for names, but I’ve got a fair idea of what his name should be. 

Providence Holding Cell 7

If Hunter had had any hair on his smooth-shaven head, he would definitely be tearing it out. As things stood, he would have cheerily settled for the next best thing, ripping out his block mate’s hair. Unfortunately, he was currently unable to satiate either of his bloodthirsty urges, and so he would have to resort to menacing whispers.

“What do you mean, you can’t open the door? I just told you the key, so punch it in!”

“But I can’t see the keypad! What happens if I punch in a wrong code?”

“If you do that, the escape attempt is foiled and we get to rot in this paradise until a court decides to sentence us to life in prison with no parole on the charges of attempted murder and vandalism, so get moving and don’t screw up!”

“Don’t you think we should take some time to savor this moment? You know, taste the impending freedom and luxuriate in the –”

“If you don’t type the code in soon, there will be no ‘impending freedom’, there’ll be ‘impending visit to maximum security cells!’, so hurry up!”

“But don’t you feel the electricity in the air? This is a big moment! Why, it could be –”

Hunter nearly put his head between his hands and wept. He pulled himself together only by reminding himself of how close to liberty they already were, and how he would not ruin this plan by losing his temper. After all, it was pretty much a stroke of genius getting this fool to distract the guards so he (Hunter) could surreptitiously spy the code out, but in fairness the guards were absolute blockheads. Now all he had to do was get his “partner” (Gatlocke had insisted upon the title. Well, actually he had wanted to be called “Super-Exalted Kicker of Side”, but he’d settled for “partner”) to punch in the accursed code.

“Two…eight…five…is the seven on the left side or the right side of the keypad?”

“Left side.”

“My left or your left? Oh well, here goes nothing…”

“No, no! That’s the right! The other side! The other side!” Hunter hissed in a mild panic.

 “Oh, you don’t say? Well then, here we go…”

Gatlocke punched the final number in at last, and all the cell doors in the block swung open noisily. Cain immediately stepped out of his cell – free at last. He moved swiftly to the door and stood quietly by the side, ready to disable anyone who might have heard the noise and come in. When no one showed up, he let his breath out a bit. Maybe we might actually get out of this place undetected if everyone stays partying and the guards keep slacking off. Now we’d best get out of here before this Doctor comes a-calling and finds her patients have vanished.

The first order of business, of course, was to grab some weapons. The duo slunk towards the prison lockup, padding silently along the brightly lit corridors. When they arrived, Hunter typed in the access code, smiling to himself when the door swung open. He quickly grabbed his cannon as Gatlocke grabbed his confiscated prosthetic arm – complete with laser beams and sliding blades. It was a lot easier to sweet talk a guard into getting out of the way if you had a hulking, 16mm gun slung across your back.

Of course, Hunter thought to himself as Gatlocke fenced with his shadow, it rather detracts from a person’s fearsome image when your partner is a gibbering idiot. Hunter smirked to himself as he watched Gatlocke trip over his flowing cape. Now we just need to get out of this hell hole. With that thought in mind, Hunter walked towards the nearest port.

He listened at the door for a good thirty seconds, focusing on the sound waves coming through the metal. Once he was certain that there were no footsteps or irregular blur of conversation, he entered the code. Cannon at the ready, he opened the door and stepped through with Gatlocke right behind him…

A/N - Sorry for the small update, but I promise to get back on track with the writing. Have a nice day! 


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