the story of a man in love

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hwello my name is choiya nkahara and this is the story of mah so sad luv life.

imma be loike a super generic main character and talk about mahself for a whole big ass chapter.

my name is nakhora cuoya

I am the probably like 20 years old i cant remember im old like older than diezi dayum

i m a mass merderer but thas fine coz imm a prettty snazzy redhead wiv giant ass mucles

Jk im actually fouking tiny but i can gravity so fuk offf

i have a partner but hes a doosh who likes sharp things and rope and deth and no one likes him

his name is duzzy osameme and he thinks he can meme his way throu lifw well hes wRONG

i try talking to him about my loov but he is all "shortfuck u cant marry ur hat or ur wine" like facc u watch me biatch

the mafia ppl say i need to stapb but i say no coz fite me im beeter than all o f you

i don t like clousd they r too floof and not enough

I alsu has a big asssssss problemo i am in luve wiz my hat and my wine but they say i can only choose 1 what shall i dooOOoO

to be continued

Hats and Wine (With a Side of Dazai) Hat x Nakahara Chuuya x WineWhere stories live. Discover now