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Sparks Fly: Chapter 3


The rest of the day went by quickly, too quickly than I wanted it to. I spend the lunch hour with my math teacher going over equations in the workbook. It was a good way to get away from all that was going on between me and Zayn at the moment. ‘Meet me after school’. Zayn’s words echoed in my head sending yet another, shiver down my spine. Why? Was he angry at me? What was he planning? All the questions I could think of popped up in my head. I knew I shouldn’t have kissed him, I should have my guard up. But he was so irresistible. His charming smile, and overwhelming scent got the best of me. The final bell ripped through my train of thoughts. School was over, which meant I had to face him.

I slammed my locker shut and walked out of the school and towards my car with a slow and steady pace, when I spotted Zayn, leaning relaxingly against the RSX.

“Hey,” he greeted, a smirk plastered on his face.


“Why have you been avoiding me?” he asked stepping forward.

“What are you doing here?” I interjected, not wanting to answer the original question.

“Answer my question first,” he demanded, taking another step forward.

“No you, it ladies first isn’t it?” I shot back sarcasticly, holding my ground.

“I’m here to talk to you, now speak, are you mad at me?” he explained and questioned harshly.

“No, I’m not in fact, I should be asking you that. You haven’t talked to me all day Zayn.”

“Victoria, your the one who didn’t answer my phone calls, or my texts. I though you were mad because of our kiss.” I could tell the words were just barley choking out of his throat. The thought of me and Zayn kissing made him as uncomfortable as it made me.

I furrowed my brows, I didn’t answer his calls, What? My phone. I pulled out my phone and checked my history, he had called and texted. My phone had died last night on the way home, and I didn’t bother charging it, I was tired, confused and completely full of desire.

“I’m so sorry Zayn, my phone died last night, And I didn’t charge it till this morning. I didn’t mean to ignore you, believe me” I admitted, as Zayn took another step forward with a smile that was all fox, it easily spelt trouble. At the moment there was about two inches of space between his velvet lips and mine, and I knew that it wasn’t going to stay like that for long. Somehow when I was around Zayn, my mind is not able to process one logical or rational thought. We both strongly know were attracted to each other and it is irrevocable.

Soon our lips touched. His lips were soft and careful against mine. As he pulled his strong arms around my petit frame, I ran my hands through his soft, midnight hair. His throat let out a soft moan, as the kiss intensified. Almost all reasonable thoughts had abandoned me. Ten minutes later we pulled apart, due to the looks we were getting from students passing by and we were both out of breath. We stared at each other, our chests rising and falling rapidly. I turned around trying to avoid the already very awkward moment. Just moments ago I was telling my self to be cautious around Zayn, and here I was madly kissing him again. I could feel him smile, as he noticed I had become very red.

“Um… try and come over today,” Zayn said, before I heard his steps get quieter as he walked away. Without another glance I got inside my car and drove without any direction, my mind was freaking out! Zayn had the power to make me go insane with every touch. Everything he did made my heart want to rip out of my chest. And at the moment I was having extreme troubles catching my breath, and getting that annoying blush to fade from my skin. Kissing him was like something I couldn’t describe and I didn’t want to either. I was fine with the simple statement of ‘Zayn and I kissed’ and frankly it was like heaven, only better.

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