A Little Black Dress

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A Little Black Dress

Sparks Fly Chapter: 6


I watched rain pepper down on the sidewalk out side my bedroom window, all morning. I had been nestled on my windowsill for three hours now, with my earphones plugged in and an empty cup of hot cocoa resting at my feet. It would be fair to say I was waiting patiently for either a life changing revelation to help me move on, or for Zayn to come and kiss away the pain. Both of which did not turn up.

I had always realized that the death of my father had caused my mom and I to drift so apart, and I was convinced that I never really understood her pain. Of course I was in agony over losing him, but the feeling of losing the love of your life is so unbearable that most women would not have survived it. Now I know how difficult it must have been for her.

I slip phone out from my pocket and held it out in front of me. No messages, no phone calls. I was trapped in a spiral of loneliness and misery all because of him. I loathed just how much I missed his touch, and the feel of his lips against mine. At the moment I was faced with a crucial decision, calling Zayn. But I could never do it. I wouldn’t do it. If he expected me to apologize or make any connections than he was deathly wrong. Especially after he had hurt me so severally and given Harry a black eye. I slid the phone back in. It was hard to face, but I had realized that maybe Zayn and I were never meant to be. And I was supposed to… find someone else. It hurt to entertain such dolorous thoughts, moving on sounded so sick, so wrong. If I wasn’t with Zayn, than I was with no one else. The clock on my wall struck eight o’clock and here I was, alone without the one person that had stolen so much of my heart. Zayn had broken me.

I stood up and let feeling return to my legs, before I began to shuffle down stairs. My mom wouldn’t be home till three am so dinner was on me. As I reached the bottom of the steps, the doorbell chimed being the first sound in the house all day. I ran, literally, as fast as my legs would take me until I reached the front door. I had learned not to get too excited and just assume it was him. Last time the same thing happened and I was terribly let down. But I couldn’t help but smile! I swung the door open.

“Hey Victoria.”

“Liam.” I was baffled, truly. How could Zayn not want me back, and why did it always have to be Liam every time it supposed to be Zayn.

“Hi. I, I just wanted to talk to you. You see, Caitlin is having a party and Zayn is defiantly going to be there.”

“So. There is no way I’m going to Caitlin’s party.”

“Please, it’s your last chance to talk to him. Victoria. He’s been avoiding all of us. And think he might just be broken without you,” Liam pleaded.

“Did it ever occur to him that I was never the wrong doer and he needs to apologize to me,” I snapped, I couldn’t help but be furious. If Zayn apparently needed me that much why didn’t he just come, I had been yearning his presence for days.

“Please Victoria. At least you can find out where you stand, because right now it’s really unclear.” Liam made a valid point; I didn’t have a clue if Zayn and I were still together. Even after a flurry if unanswered questions and cruel remarks neither of us had even thought about being single: So what are we? Besides had to prove to Zayn I was surviving without him, and he didn’t have as big as an affect on me as he must believe.

“Fine.” I pulled Liam into the house and shut the door. “Sit, I’ll just get changed and be right back.” Finding a sudden surge of strength and anticipation, I sprinted up the stairs whilst trying to think of an outfit.

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