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I woke up the next morning to a text message saying the girls will be there at noon I got up and went take shower and started feeling for my shampoo bottle I put them in different places so I don't need any more help in here when I was done I got dressed and went to the kitchen to eat Becky was already there I could her cereal crunch when I walked to the cabinet I grabbed a pop tart

"I'm going out without you I should be back before" I heard her spoon drop in the bowl then a series of coughing

"don't choke Becky wouldn't want to lose you and I wouldn't have a life" her coughing got louder I followed her voice and wraps my arms around her giving her a chance to see if she stopped before pulling her body to mine hard and fast till she spit up whatever she was choking on while someone's footsteps comes running

"What is going on in here?" Jared asked almost panicking

"I'm going out with friends and Becky can't handle missing me"

"Babe are you ok?" he cooed till she caught her breath

"I was just shocked you made a friend and you're going out" on the last word I was walking out to wait not long after I heard a car driving in the yard I followed the sound and reached for the door before Leah turned off her car

"Sorry I'm really the other girls wanted a head start on looking for good dresses" I nodded in reply as we drove off .... then we were silent in the car she kept starting to say something and stopped

"You know that the good thing about being blind is that I can hear a lot better"

"I just wanted to ask how do get around your home so well but you need help at school"

"like I said I can hear really well but since its a lot of people all around I can't hear the right teachers and of course I am new so I could be walking the wrong direction to class or walking to the wrong class and sorry if this comes out wrong but I am blind completely and so far my doctors haven't called with a new surgery to help the slightest"

"Sorry I just thought it was the same"

The rest of car ride was silent when we pulled up she took out her key before I started to call Becky

"look I wasn't born with this so I was looking to being blind and no one cared where I came from and the ones that I did I wasn't a person to them I was dead weight so I'm sorry if I come off an ass"

I heard the air shift probably nodding her head but before I could @say something she said "ok" I walked out of the car with my stick and listening for cars when I heard only the wind I tapped my stick and walked till I tapped on a door and heard Leah's footsteps then her chatter with some people

"Oh she's with me she'll have both" then I heard Leah's footsteps getting closer and she pulled me by wrist

"I was thinking about pink this time what about you?"

"Is there black?"

"Eww no, why that color?" I shrugged I didn't have answer all I knew was that I liked that color because that's all I see these days

"I think a dark blue would be nice on you or a purple"

"Light aqua teal for my fingers and a peach color for my toes please"

She guided me to the chairs while I hear setting the bottles of polish on the table on the side of me and walked to her chair I sat back while taking off my glasses and relaxed when a different set of footsteps came by I slipped off my shoes when I heard the water filling in the tub I put my feet in and relaxed when a rush of footsteps came in

The Amazing Teacher (Part 1) Where stories live. Discover now