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I was tapping my fingers on my therapist's waiting room chair the few visits have been better we came a to happy medium he said if I was happy for the person that exams every case for the year might release me so here I am in the end of April......after Christmas we settled into normalcy Becky became Jared's third assistant to help with his paperwork and filing with the other two getting coffee and running errands for the whole building I got the hint from Becky that they were attractive and the hormones Becky's gynecologist prescribed to try for a baby Jared's mother kept suggesting everything to try till Becky actually went to the doctor Andrew and I have spent more time together with Jared's mom coming over and getting overheated about Becky not being knocked up yet but it's either to face the woman that doesn't understand how I can't see or to spend more time at the dance club all I can say is that Andrew and I are going dancing shoe shopping after this and Claire has been backing off after Christmas she started almost throwing fits that Andrew had even picked a store much less hired a jeweler to custom an engagement ring for me but like I said she's backing off Daniel kept in with me being the joking father calling me his new daughter in law and asking how's my future graduation ceremony coming along and what was thinking about what type of venue I was thinking about for the party but I told it really wasn't necessary for a party but my dad is agreeing with Daniel so who knows I'm getting my cap and gown tomorrow and Eric has agreed to use his camera from Christmas to do my senior pictures and some with Andrew and I to test it out because most of Anna's jobs require simple angles so it was no point to break out the new camera for those simple angles and Anna is helping with the outfits she got to me before Antonio
as I wait for my name to be called Andrew puts his hand on my leg to stop it from shaking impatiently

"The doctor will call you when she's good and ready you don't need to go crazy while waiting" I almost groaned but he's right I don't want or need to come back here every so often anymore I have moved on with the accident and that asshole that was so eager to be my boyfriend at the time but rarely saw me in the hospital much less at all but I'm just not happy being blind I'm ok with it enough to not stay in doors....so much anymore I sighed still waiting to be called in

"Sarah Owens?" About time I grabbed my stick and made my way to the back room there was a woman I smelled her perfume and heard her still scribbling

"Good morning Ms. .... Sarah sorry about the wait"

"It's alright" she carried on switching to my file and started asking the questions that the therapist did the first day I got there what happened to me and did I really feel about losing my sight after answering truthfully she asked how did I feel about it now since it's been some time since the accident again I answered truthfully saying that I have come to accept that I might be blind for the rest of my life and it was ok because I have a different perspective on eye sight it's too over rated with looks in society's world and that I was shocked that I did find love with no sight of seeing the guy's appearance at all and I could not be be any happier with him than the happy that I am now when she asked more about me and Andrew's relationship I used a different name and to change certain events I started to feel more relaxed when I described how helped me with Samantha but that was when the doctor/therapist stopped asking about Andrew and started about Samantha so I told her everything that happened when I got to the courts I assured the doctor that I was not seeing my teacher that Mr. Louis was just helping me to get to my classes and tutored me a little and that was how Becky and Jared got to know him enough to invite him to the wedding to at least keep an eye on me for the occasion and that when Samantha tried pressing the issue it backfired because all it was a rumour that was going around because I was with Mr. Louis so much after I was finished with that answer I heard the doctor scribbling and flipping pages to write more then she asked about things going at home now that Becky was married I told her everything right down to Jared's mom and the doctor laughed but I also told her that it's fine even with their honeymoon phase of constant giggling and phone calls back and forth after the doctor scribbled she flipped through some pages mumbling something possibly in French

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