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It's Monday Becky's wedding was Saturday and Andrew stayed the rest of the night he slept in the guest room with its complete bathroom with a shower and small vanity sink and mirror...I used to sleep there a lot before then we watched movies while he was uploading grades online for another class then we snuggled on the couch as I fell asleep......

But here we are in a nice court outfit and in another new pair of heels the lady said they were pumps and did really well with court outfits...dad is also sitting the car beside me driving with his ear piece so he won't wreck while handling his phone I got it for him for his birthday when he started to get more popular...we got out of his SUV that much I remember because dad isn't the type to change vehicles even if it was better for my situation and I'm ok with that we got here early because Samantha's lawyer wants to discuss the matter at hand.......going public with this I can tell that's what Samantha wants is to remain the sweet girl all around when she goes to college but dad is going to remain hard and knows on a parents level that no one who hurts his kid gets special treatment we walk into the elevator and wait to get to the floor at the last plunge the door opened and we walked out and I got a serious face

"Mr. Logan? I'm Jake Mr. Martin is waiting for you two" we walked with a new set of footsteps in front of us a door was opened and closed as we walked in the door

"Mr. and Ms. Logan I'm Mr. Martin" we shook he had then sat down

"I'll cut to the chase here Samantha just wants to keep this out of the public eye with colleges looking at everything"

"and I'll cut to my opinion I don't think I'll keep this in....you see it's not Samantha's fault that Sarah is blind but it is people like Samantha that take advantage of Sarah and you can tell Samantha and her parents that we will not keep this in because I have on good words that Sarah isn't the only person that has been bullied by Samantha!"

"Gentlemen please calm so we can see if this is worth a trial shall we" the new voice was a female but as the men bickered about how Samantha is evil and how she is just a young adult and has her whole life to turn around

"alright alright....since this getting nowhere we're going to have a trial but do not prolong it I'm sure both girls have school" I nodded as dad and I got up we walked our way out grabbing his phone

"Cindy I need for you to pull out everything I want to make sure I'm prepared"

"yeah that's great just be sure to have lots of coffee for tonight" I smiled and got into the SUV and pulled the seat belt and we drove off I pulled off my shoes and dozed off till he dropped me off and hugged me like usual and drove off I went to the bathroom and changed I felt my face to see what parts are still bruised right side was a little sore left side had small cuts but not that sore when I finished I took down my hair and washed my makeup and went to the living room to watch movies

After the first movie, I started dozing off for what felt like just a few minutes when there was a knock at the door

"Who is this?"

"Your teacher" I opened the door looking like a lost puppy he walked in and gave me a big bear hug

"I take it you didn't settle" I shook my head a little to give him a 'no' answer

"hey it'll be ok...it'll work out" we stayed in that position for a while when the front doorbell rang I made a confused face

"I figured we would be too drained into our cuddling that we wouldn't want to cook or call to order in" I laughed as he let me go to answer the door and pay for the food he put the pizza boxes in the oven to keep them warm then we piled on the couch with me on top as he put on the next movie with Morgan Freeman as I tried to stay awake to be with Andrew because he is what I needed in a relationship the only thing missing is more freedom of me should be having my sight and to be able to not be so cautious because I'm blind and with thinking this I pout a little he kisses my head

The Amazing Teacher (Part 1) Where stories live. Discover now