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"Could please keep still Sarah but don't fall asleep on me again at least let me get your eyelashes on" the makeup artist Katie and Veronica sent over they say she does excellent work they also said that was my graduation gift for the time being she was here to get Becky and me makeup ready I was already dressed in my heels and now I'm getting poked and prodded eyebrows tweezed to perfection while making them fuller my face polished and extremely highlighted but it looked good Becky keep saying after she got dressed Jared wasn't coming around till I walked out which he had a business call to finish up when the artist finished she packed up handing us goodie bags just the makeup products we used today she had extras of everything for her client's bags as walking out she said "good luck ladies" as the day passed I couldn't help to almost cry I'm no long a high schooler and worst of it all I can't see how grown up I look I sighed and pushed those thoughts aside and smiled for the pictures with Becky and Jared separately then dad came in just in time we took one together four times he couldn't hold back the tears I hugged him so tight then we left in dad's car but it felt different

"It's a GMC Acadia Cindy helped me pick it out " I nodded as we drove along quietly as walked in the area my 'sidekick' came and got me we sat as the band cleared their throats and started a slow song of sorrow the principal started calling names I started to relax because it'll be awhile as they called my sidekick they called my name semi quick and we walked slowly as I heard more camera clicks I smiled as I was given my diploma I heard Becky and Dad screaming and clapping I blushed and laughed while walking back to my seat the principal announced that the teachers are going to give their speeches I kept an entertained face the last speech came up and I heard Andrew's voice

"My dearest students and new friends may this joyous celebration bring your travels and adventures because this is the time to do them you are young and healthy so what are you waiting for? But I'm sorry to tell you I won't be a teacher here anymore this is a goodbye for all of us but I'll be around enough to not be a stranger because you all have taught me so much while I was teaching you so thank you and don't be strangers" I could not hide the shock hopefully no one noticed as we stood up and threw our caps up Becky swarmed in the crowd and grabbed my wrist and took me out she brought me to dad and everybody Daniel grabbed my hand and placed a thornless rose

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful young woman" he kissed my cheek as Claire handed me a small box "every young woman should have these.....white pearls with matching earrings" I smiled and hugged her while whispering 'thank you' we waited for Andrew as the outdoor venue cleared he walked up to me giving me a hug as I swatted him

"you could've told me!"

"And ruin the many of tonight's surprises.....I think not" I gave him a confused look but he took me to his vehicle as we got in I looked up and he kissed me passionately I kissed him back when he let go he groaned as he started the vehicle we drove till I started to hear a music band Andrew got closer then all my ideas came together

"no possible way!"

"I didn't do any of this Dad did...don't worry my surprises will come later" I nodded almost pouting he pulled up parked and opened my door like a gentlemen he took my hand gently and guided me into a building where they had people chatting and the music was close to being loud but low enough so people could hear other conversations but Andrew's guidance didn't stop there it stopped when he got me to a chair and gently sat me in it then he left as I stayed I heard a microphone going off

"excuse me....everyone it's time to start" Andrew walked off the stage as someone else walked up to the mic it was Becky she gave a speech about how we were when we were growing up as she got to me now being a grown up girl she started crying and barely finished as she ran off the stage sick then Dad came and did the same but he brought up the good memories of my mom and he tried to hold his tears but I heard him when he walked off and more of my family members came mainly apologizing for taking so long to come out for me and I started blubbering tears as the last one walked off as I whipped tears and the waiters and waitresses served a simple dinner of steak and shrimps I chose shrimps and it was a platter of grilled shrimp and just as the crowd was relaxed there was someone walked on the stage I asked who was it and Andrew was confused didn't know

"where is she? where is Sarah Owens?" I dropped my jaw it was Tiffany the girl that got the said ex boyfriend I stood up cleared my throat "I'm over here Tiffany .... kind of pathetic I'm the one that went blind and you're the one who couldn't see me"

"well well well Sarah is still the smartass and what the hell is all this.....you leveled up"

"Of course I did" I smiled hoping Andrew heard me

"You know Ben left me.....yeah he dumped me for you kept talking about how he felt bad about the accident talking about visiting you to make amends to get you back and what did I do about it? He's in my basement with 5 empty bottles of vodka" and with that, I heard cop cars pulling up with their sirens and handcuffed Tiffany away as Andrew kept apologizing as someone else walked on the stage

"Alright to keep the celebrations going my brother had this special dance for Sarah so would you two come up please" I blush as Andrew took my hand after Anna walked off The music started it was a simple waltz but I knew what he was doing and I let him as I relaxed into the waltz when we were done the crowd clapped for us we settled into the night with everyone meeting Andrew telling him he was doing a great job by inviting the family and dad came as Andrew went to flag down a waitress to refill our champagne flutes dad hugged me so tight

"Happy graduation"

"Thanks, dad it feels great" I heard Daniel's footsteps

"Hello Daniel thank you for all this I hope you'll let me pay for half" dad tried sounding firm but hopeful Daniel started to say something but just chuckled it almost sounded like Andrew's

"I don't mean to make tonight sound like a bribe.....but I wanted to talk about hiring you Andrew has told you did great work and I will pay you for anything thing needs even dinners to" dad pulled him away probably talking about more business as Andrew came back kissing my cheek being modest

"I love you so much"

"Oh yeah? I'm sort of liking you to" We laughed as the waiters passed out frozen yogurt with little tubs of toppings I only chose bananas and he got strawberries as we were finished the music changed to a younger era I got up pulling Andrew with me and we danced till the sweat was pouring out that was in I took off my heels and went sit down and he guided me catching his breath the Daniel came around again giving Andrew something and Andrew put it on the table grabbing his napkin wiping his sweat as the waiters were getting paid Daniel walked on stage

"I know I gave my speech for the graduated young lady but I have to give my speech to my future daughter in law" my jaw dropped as Claire walked up beside him

"We love you and love what you do for our it very much reminds us of when we were your age," they said in unison and I turned to Andrew who wasn't in his chair anymore he put a hand on my leg from the other side of me so I turned to face him

"Sarah May Owens make me the happiest man on the planet...will you marry me? I promise to keep you as happy as ever"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times" I nearly screamed holding out my shaking left hand He slipped the ring on my finger I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up everyone else clapped and cheered dad came over when Andrew put me down

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times" I nearly screamed holding out my shaking left hand He slipped the ring on my finger I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up everyone else clapped and cheered dad came over when Andrew put me down

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"Congratulations you two"

I smiled as I heard my phone started going off "hi Sarah sorry to call so late it's Dr. Reed......we have a donor" I dropped my phone as Andrew tried asking me what's going on

"We have to go......they have a donor" was all I could say and kept saying Andrew picked me up and ran while dad was close behind and we got in Andrew's vehicle dad went to his and we drove off to the hospital

The Amazing Teacher (Part 1) Where stories live. Discover now