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I wish the world was black and white, but it is far more complex.  That is truly what most adults lose, their own personal simplicity.  Noticing good ideas was common as a child.  I took each thought into consideration and picked the best one making decisions lucid.  Clearly things aren't that way anymore.
    I have a job.  I work.  I live.  I die.  What is the point?  I miss the days that I wasn't in the grey humid office.  Outside, in the long green and yellow grass, gently caressing my legs.  The field is slightly dirty, with a deep spicy aroma of passion.  Soccer;  it was the only thing that could give me the real ravishing oblivion that I needed.  No, that's wrong, it was Lucy.  Lucy, the name flows in my mind like a big fresh wave in an ocean.  The way her platinum blonde hair hung off her slim shoulders and her eyes smiled at me, glowing.  She had taken my soul and given me the only thing stronger than fear:  hope.  Her flawless courage had me believing that I could be a soccer player.
    We would play on that field for hours on end.  For a long time;  it was perfect and I began to have local publicity.  One day, someone followed me to the field and I was asked about my future.  Would you ever go pro?  That question still burned like an unanswered flame in my head.  I confidently responded, yes.  Lucy clung to me in the background.  My words were in the papers the next day and I haven't seen Lucy since.
    I looked around my office and sighed.  Sometimes I wonder what happened to her;  maybe one day I would know.  For now, the grandfather clock ticked in the grey office slowly, heavily, and loud.
    Subtly, I heard soft creaks of foot steps and the door opened.  A glow hit my eyes, it blinded me.
    "What is the only thing stronger than fear?"  I heard a shrill voice speak.  "Hope?"  I answered with my eyes sealed shut
    "No, simplicity."  She whispered.

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