The Crime I Never Committed

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Jacques Carder is me.  I live amongst many other Americans on their general quest for power.  America is an interesting and independent country.  I find it exhilarating.  I walk by crowds of inconspicuous and clicky teenagers.  They are full of proudness and thoughts of hope.
I am watching them in envy.  My thoughts are cold and hard.  I always want more than I have; there's just never enough for me to feel happiness.  Yet I stand on a sidewalk observing others and once again, I am envious.  Because I constantly see what they have, happiness. 
           I have been to prison before.  I remember it clearly.  The dark grey walls almost black.  I laid inside the cold metal bars of my bed.  My roommate was completely asleep; I felt like sleeping was a waste of time because it made me incredibly vulnerable,  so I never slept at all.
           They would force us to wake up at 6:30 AM and sleep at 9:30 PM.  Each morning, I felt tired because I hardly ever slept.  I didn't think that I deserved this kind of treatment.  I didn't even do anything wrong.  I had been framed.  I looked at my situation as being foolish.  I gave my trust to the wrong person and I was punished with a thirteen year sentence.
             Five years ago, my father got himself into some extreme debt after our business started to go under.  I wanted to assist my father, so I went to my brother for help.  He was a Harvard graduate and was considered one of the best investors in marketing history.  I decided that with some help from him, we could fix our financial situation.  I was wrong; because the day that I  sided with my brother would be the end of me.
    I began meeting with him; he asked me for all of my personal information; at the time I thought nothing of it.  A couple of months went by and we stopped having our meetings, but the investments he made were doing well.  They were doing so well that I thought something was wrong.  He stopped contacting me; I watched the pieces all fall into place. 
    He had lied and stolen my identity to cover his tracks.  I never even had the chance to go to court because the case was dismissed so quickly.  He was much too powerful for anyone to suspect anything and I don't think that anyone wanted to get involved.  Marketing manipulation was what I was sent in for.  He used my name as a decoy incase he didn't get away with it.  He had stolen thousands of dollars from the investors, but for some reason I believed that he knew that he was going to get caught.  He should have been charged with racketeering and embezzlement.  I was stuck and I couldn't get out for 13 years, until finally I was released.  It's your choice if you choose to believe me -  do you?
What if I told you that I, Jacques Cartier, was the one that put my brother in jail.  Could you tell?  Because if you were smart, you would have noticed.  This story is my version of a chronic devious mental disorder test and I passed.  If you do know anything about psychopaths you would have picked up on my narcissistic and cold behaviors described during this story.  My brother is still in jail to this day, but he deserved it because he had what I didn't have - happiness.
"Monsters are real and ghosts are too.  They live inside us and sometimes they win."
- unknown

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