My Obsession

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    Until death do us part, that is what she always told me.  I didn't completely understand those words until now.  Twenty years after her shameless and expressionless death, I am still here.  I am still depressed and feel inclined to do something that I don't want to do.  I had made a promise to let her know that I was still here and her being as spiritual as she is, made me feel as if I had something to prove.  Please, Dana, I want you to let me grow into something new, because I want to live on with you;  her words still echoed in my head like children's bare and humorless screams when something goes wrong. 

I didn't want to see her ashes again, I didn't want to dig her up.  I was scared.  Scared of my own emotions and what I would feel when I saw her again.

    She was my human and she became attached, obsessed with me, I don't blame her.  She was the reason I had stayed in this painful world when I shouldn't have, because a devil should have no business with a human, right?  I believe that I may be the devil and have ice in my veins, but I shouldn't have a cold heart.  I owe it to her to try until the very end.  Today will be the last time I see her again and it is time that I let go of the pain that it has caused me.

    My head pumped with adrenalin and the sound of my own heart beating a mile per minute.   I made my way to the yard filled with ominous tension and fear.  It was a dark late hour.  Clicking my flashlight on, I stumbled on the gravestone that I had been looking for.  Here lies Roselin Gray  It read.  I dug my fingers into the treacherous grave and started to dig deep into the ground.  Eventually my fingers felt the cold touch of a container and I stopped, this was the moment.  I had wait twenty long years and I felt my emotions start to creak in.  Twenty years ago on this day Roselin Gray had her last breath and I couldn't save her.  The cancer was the killer and I had watched the life been slowly and mercilessly sucked out of her.  I had to block my emotions out or I wouldn't be able to finish.  I would break down.

I stucked in another breath of air and picked up the container, marveling it.  I removed it from the grave pushing the dirt back into the hole.  I didn't dare open it and look inside.  The container had a gold seal and a white bottom.  I went back to her house and took the ashes with me.  I walked down to the garden in her old house and pulled out the arbutus tree seed that was in my pocket and planted it in the garden.

I finally opened the cap and let the ashes springfree amongst dirt around the seed.  That was when the tears started to flood down my cheeks and I realised I would get to see it every day.  Because she would become that tree and her old house would be my new one because my fear of losing her, was gone.

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