Double Vision

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       Hello, I'm Adam.  Have you ever had a nightmare?  I had one so bad that it still haunts me

today;  I went to exit my bedroom, but my door was locked! I sat on my bed and

decided to close my eyes.  When I opened them, I was on my bed,

but, it wasn't in my room.  The walls and floors were covered in mirrors.  My nightmare has

never stopped.  In this world everyone looks like a mirror of me.

        This wasn't how it always was, I was so little when it happened.  They came to my house

with little explanation.  My parents, and I lived in Afghanistan at the time. We spent days

and nights working until our hands felt as if they would fall off.  Each day our skin screeched in

terror as the burning sun stroked it.  We could barely afford the bread on the table.  When taxes

came, there wasn't anything my family could do.  They showed up at our house at 3am and took

me away.

        I woke up wondering what had happened, I scrambled to my feet only to find the same

mirrors as before.  It felt as if I was in an empty box, all that was on the walls was my own

reflection and a clock. At noon they delivered my food. I noted the door that blended in with the

glass.  Two people came in fully clothed in reflective gear, I couldn't even see their eyes

through their masks.  I stayed in that room for years.  I tried to escape.

Although, the door was always heavily guarded, so I was never successful.  Until, one day on

my 70th birthday, it seemed too easy, I just walked out.  But, I realized I shouldn't have left,

because all I knew was myself.

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