Chapter 9: We are only friends, but they're... enemies?

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Sumi’s narration:

Kai looked at our direction with confusion, but more of a scrutinizing one…the hell is it with this kid? His look turned quite piercing, I don’t know who exactly he was looking at but it’s on our direction, I’m getting quite worried. I noticed that Baekhyun was looking at his direction too; he must have noticed that I looked at Kai longer than I should be.

“HAH!” Baekhyun scoffed, crossing his arms and I don’t know why he just did that, he looked really arrogant and I didn’t like it.

What surprised me more is that when Kai suddenly left the girl he was making out with and started walking towards us…asfgghjkl;’zxcvbnm,qwertyuiopwertyuibnmjk,cvbnm,!!!!!!!

Yes that didn’t make sense but I can’t explain what I’m feeling right now! Fear mix with confusion and…excitement? Scratch that, it doesn’t belong among the choices aaargh! Kai, Kai, Kai, Kai! What are you doing? Why are you heading here? What’s with that look in your face?

I’m seriously going to lose it any minute now!

“Hmm…well look who’s here” Kai hit the roof of Baekhyun’s car with his palm and looked at each of us with a fake grin.

“YAH! Watch it Lothaire blood, that’s my car!” Baekhyun barked at him and Kai rolled his eyes, Lothaire blood? Does he know Kai?

“That’s why I hit it, because it’s your car!” Kai slurred, oh God his drunk…

Baekhyun clenched his fists and I really don’t want anything harsh to happen so I stopped him, “He’s drunk, ignore him” I said halting his chest to move no further and he raised an eyebrow at me. Really Baekhyun? Really?

“Oh Sumi, you know this guy?” Kai asked in a mocking tone, well duh we are together hello? Of course I know him! Well just now I suppose…

“We…we’re friends” I said in a low voice and Baekhyun was a bit surprise by that.

“Friends eh?” Kai raise an eyebrow at Baekhyun, aish tension is building between them! “Just friends?”

“What do you care? It is none of your business what relationship we have, now go rot somewhere else please” Baekhyun fired back; I AM SERIOUSLY NOT LIKING THIS!

Kai suddenly grabbed Baekhyun’s collar tightly as he gritted his teeth in anger but Baekhyun pushed him with force making Kai lose his balance and finds himself trying to grab for Baekhyun’s car for support. I quickly pulled him to prevent him from falling, aish his drunken ass better get some rest!

Kai clung to me like a beaten kid but his glares towards Baekhyun did not falter, the other boy did the same but he looked at me with confusion. Baekhyun don’t think I’m siding him okay? It’s just that you have the advantage because you are in your right mind and Kai is drunk…

“Stop it you two! Don’t you dare throw fists at each other here!” I scolded them.

“Then we shall throw kicks then!” Kai replied mischievously, hmmp this kid! I flicked his forehead to give him some sense and Baekhyun laughed at my action. Kai suddenly clutched his stomach and pulled away from me, he began to choke then puked on the side of the street, AAAAH! Drinking more than he should be!

“Ew”  I heard Baekhyun commented, I agree but I ran to Kai and tried soothing his back, I now it’s not nice to puke, the feeling is awful and it helps if someone is rubbing your back. Why am I doing this again? Ugh…I hate you but I have to do this.

He stopped puking and I helped him walk towards Baekhyun again, Kai is definitely knocked over now and he cannot possibly drive his car in this condition, and so I turned to Baekhyun…

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