Chapter 11: The Marriage Proposal

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Old Man Mori’s narration:

Yes youngsters it’s going to be from someone’s point of view for now, I’m sure you know me well from Sumi’s narration*cough…anyways, after confirming that she is the daughter of agent Kim I became even more convinced to let her live in the mansion.

After that incident in the mall and I took her in I have asked Kris to do some background check on her and my butler did a pretty good job, it was just that I never thought Sumi would really be agent Kim’s daughter.

Her father is the bravest and skilled man I have ever hired, it was too bad that he died by taking a bullet for me, I really felt guilty when I couldn’t do anything about it because after that incident I was immediately sent to London for protection and never came back until two years ago where I was assigned to take good care of the mansion here in Korea and my grandchildren.

Kris had been waiting outside the cemetery and I am inviting Sumi once again to the mansion to have a talk with her about being one of the Lothaires, to be honest I am quite excited to take her in permanently!

 It is the least I could do to repay the life that she has spent as an orphan, there was hesitation in her eyes but I have to convince her, it’s for her own good.

She and I entered the limo and Kris drove us to the mansion, the ride was quite silent, I can see that she’s feeling melancholic about this as well. I hope she will be happy returning in her soon to be home, after a few minutes we have arrived in the gates of the mansion and the limo entered, I better get her to my office quick before anyone else snatches her away from me, especially Tomo, I hope she’s still in school right now.

Fortunately the mansion is quiet and I successfully led her in my office, Kris following behind me. I sat on my chair and I let her sit across me, she seems to be nervous about this meeting.

“Kris, please tell Chanyeol and Kyungsoo to fix us some snack” I ordered and Kris bowed to me and left the office leaving me and Sumi to talk.

“Sir, you really don’t have to do this. I’m okay with my old apartment, and I have been living quite well for the past years…” she said, I know your independent Sumi but I still feel you deserve more.

“Have you ever thought of entering college?” I asked her and she shook her head.

“I’m too busy to enter, I was homeschooled from grade school to high school degree and I started working since then. College is quite too expensive”

“If you live here you don’t have to work anymore Sumi, I can get you to enter college with any course you want and you don’t have to worry a thing about it. I know I only knew you for a few days but you and I had this connection, the very same thing your father and I had. I feel that I can really trust you…”

“Sir...I—uh…” she gave me a shy smile and she looked really pretty, ideal for a wife of a Lothaire, ideal for Sehun and Kai, now if only she would like them.

“I am growing old Sumi” I said with a sigh, time to do the “Old man dying” trick, “I need successors to maintain the mansion and our business here in Korea, Kai is going to take up business management of course and Sehun wants to be an engineer. It’s not that I don’t have faith in them but you know how they are, they might get lost along the way and I need someone to pull them back to their feet. Someone who is responsible and determined, I think that’s you Sumi. I may die any moment, but before I do I hope you three would get along”

“S-sir! Don’t say that! You’re going to live longer!” she panicked, hehe its working!

“Sumi, I really want you to marry them…please guide them and help them to achieve their dreams, I am sure they would help you as well” I tried persuading her, but she still have doubts, I can tell on how the way she looked at me.

Married to Prince Derp and Prince JerkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang