Chapter 4: Dinner is served

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Sumi’s narration:

I got outside Tomo’s room and there she was waiting outside swaying herself, she had the cute smile on herself but she was unbelievably silent. She started walking ahead and I followed her down to the second floor, I was feeling tense…I’m going to meet royalty people and I’m dressed like a servant! Ugh…well here goes nothing.

“Unnie…” Tomo stopped on her tracks and looked at me, “I can feel your tensing up a bit, don’t worry”

She felt that? Really? If she’s that sensitive why is it that she couldn’t feel Luhan’s pain? Or she’s just a man hater? She’s so confusing, I just nodded and walked behind her as we entered the dining room, holy smokes it’s too bright in here!

I squinted my eyes to adjust, the ceiling of this room had large chandeliers that shone brightly, and surprisingly there were only two people sitting on the long table. Kris was standing beside Mr. Mori and two other guys that I don’t know but from the clothes that they are wearing I bet they are the cooks in his mansion. There’s a guy sitting five seats away from Mr. Mori, I couldn’t see his face because his back is facing to me, as Tomo and I got nearer old man Mori gestured us to sit.

“Grandpa!” Tomo ran to old man Mori and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Tomo, go sit with Sumi” old man Mori patted his granddaughter’s head and then Tomo ran to me again and pulled me to sit in front of the boy in the table as well. I finally saw his face and was quite amazed on how handsome he is, he was wearing a plain shirt and a jacket then jeans…he looks quite normal, wew at least I don’t feel out of place!

Then he gave me a piercing stare, I froze…what is it with boys here and piercing stares? First it was Kris, now this guy? AISH! Am I that dislikable? Suddenly I noticed that Tomo was sticking her tongue out at the boy in front of us and the boy stuck his tongue out too, acting like a child but I have to admit he looked cute doing that.

“You’re ugly Sehun! Ugly as a mutt!” Tomo said as she continued sticking her tongue out.

“No, Luhan is the mutt!” said this Sehun guy, sheesh…fighting with a fifteen year old girl? This guy must hate losing!

“Hmmp! YAH! No one insults Luhan but me!” Tomo grumbled but this Sehun boy just rolled his eyes…what a derp.

“Children keep quiet, we will eat dinner now…wait where is Kai?” old man Mori asked and Kris who was beside him whispered something in his ear. “Aish that kid, went to a night club again? He really needs to learn to stay at home and be responsible!”

Who the hell is Kai? Must be one of his grandsons…

“Sumi” old man Mori called me and I turned to him, “That is my grandson Sehun, Tomo’s big brother; unfortunately Kai isn’t here for you to meet. Eat all you want and you shall be accommodated, you are to stay for the night correct? How are you?”

“I’m fine, my head doesn’t hurt anymore” I said bowing lightly.

“How about your nosebleed?” Kris asked, damn you Kris you have to remind me of that?

“I-it’s gone! Don’t worry…” I awkwardly replied.

“Kris you’re scaring her!” said a short guy beside him who was wearing one of those chef gowns. He looked at Kris with these wide eyes it looked weird and adorable at the same time.

“Yeah Kris, you were rude to her weren’t you?” said another one with the chef gown, he had huge eyes as well but had fuzzy hair and was taller. The both of them looked at Kris accusingly but the butler just looked at them sharply at the corner of his eyes.

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