Chapter Four

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-John's POV-

The laces of his shoes became the most interesting thing in the world, then he spoke again. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't..." He trailed off. "Don't be." I said. It was my fault that he thought of me like that. "I did that to myself. I do act like I'm all that and a bag of chips sometimes." He laughed and shifted his weight from his right foot to his left, then looked to me. "I haven't heard that saying in a while." I smiled and looked at him. His face was tinted red from laughing and it made his freckles more noticeable.

I smiled softly, and then caught his gaze. He blushed and his face became more red, until he cleared his throat. "So... It's getting a little late and I promised my dad I would be home by 9:30. We did a fair bit of work, so maybe we could finish it off tomorrow? Then we have the rest of the week to not worry about it." I nodded. "Yeah that sounds fair. Come on, let's get you home." I stood and walked towards the door, Smitty following me down the hallway. I grabbed another slice of pizza, consuming half of it then calling out, "I'm taking Smitty home Ma! Be right back!"

I hopped in the cab of my truck and revved the engine. The ride back to Smitty's place was silent, but not and uncomfortable silent. The hum of the engine and the crunch of the gravel under the tires made it peaceful. When we pulled up to the driveway of the small house, I put the truck in park and turned to Smitty. "So do you just want me to give you a lift to my place tomorrow?" Smitty nodded. "That'd be fine. My dad won't mind, I'm sure. Thanks for the ride John." He smiled, and I put the truck in gear and began to back up. "Hey John?" I turned to find Smitty leaning into the car. "You're pretty alright." He backed away and went up to his door, giving a small wave goodbye before he disappeared into the house.

I leaned back in my seat. "You're pretty alright too, Smit." I whispered to myself. I put the truck in reverse as I headed home, the radio now playing quietly. I tapped my fingers on the wheel, getting lost in my thoughts, a genuine smile on my face for the first time in a long time.

As I pulled up to my house, my mother was on the front porch. She worried about me when I left after dark, so she always stood outside to check on me to make sure I didn't die in a firey inferno. "Hey Ma," I smiled as I shut my door, sliding my hands into my pockets. "Dad gone to bed?" I leaned down and kissed her cheek. She nodded softly, turning to follow me inside. "John, that boy you brought home was really nice. Maybe you should invite him to go mudding with you and your father." She smiled as I turned around.

"You know Ma, that's a good idea."

-/Time Skip; Next Day, First Period, English./-

I smiled as I strolled into English class. Finding Smitty was my first priority, as I needed to ask him,what he was doing Thursday. I spotted him towards the back of the class and went to take a seat next to him. I parked myself to the left of Smitty, and as I unpacked, he spoke. "Hey John, what brings you to this part of town." I pulled out a small binder and handed it to him.

"History and Origin of Philobhobia; and it's Signifigance to Today's World."

"You finished it? John I thought..." I stopped him short of his words. "Surprise! I didn't wanna stress over two pages of documents and crap so I just finished it. It was practically done, just needed some touching up." He sat at my side, speechless. "On a side note, are you free Thursday?" A few moment passed and he blinked to look at me. "What?" I laughed and repeated the question. "Oh uh... I think so, I should be, why?" "So you know how clean my truck is? And how clean my dad's Jeep was when he got back?" Smit nodded, a look of confusion on his face. "Well, my dad and I are going mudding, and I thought you'd like to come ride. It's just me and my dad, driving and drifting through muddy fields and back roads."

He sat and thought for a moment. "Sure, why not? I'll ask my dad, that's in two days right?" "Yep." I smiled. Now I had someone who might enjoy it, instead of constantly stopping because he didn't have service, or rode with the windows up so he wouldn't get muddy. We talked for a but until the teacher started her lesson on the novel Flowers For Algernon.

The class passed by fairly quick, and before I knew it I was walking down the hall next to my new found best friend. That is, until Clayton came up to me, stopping us both in our tracks. "Dude, John guess what?! My mom just bought us tickets to bbno$!!" A huge smile grew on my face. "Seriously dude? When? What seats?!" The words he said next put me off going at all

"Thursday. Second row tickets."

I stopped my excitement right there. No way I was gonna bail on Smit after asking him to make plans. "Sorry dude. I can't. Dad and I are going mudding Thursday." Clayton smiled. "Dude sweet. I'll be there!" He lifted his hand for a high five but I shook my head. "Sorry again, but I invited someone else." Clayton gave me a 'wtf' look. "What lowlife loser did you trick into going with you?" Smitty waved, a cocky grin on his face. "Hello, I'm Mr. Lowlife Loser. And for the record, he didn't trick me. Unlike you, he's got some sense of courtesy and he asked me to go with him, and I, being an actual nice person, obliged. Now, if you'll excuse us, I'm about to be late for Chem Lab, and John is almost late for Foods. Go crawl back under the rock you came from and find someone else as trashy as you that wants to go."

I stood in shock and Lukas told Clayton off, and I was kind of impressed. He smiled and said, "Good day," before grabbing my arm and walking away. A slight blush fell on my face. No one had ever stood up to Clayton like that, hell I was too scared to do it myself. I could feel Clayton's glare boring into my neck. Once I knew we were far enough. I turned to Smitty.

"Dude you're a badass in disguise! No one has the guts to stand up to him!" Smit turned to me, a rage still in his eyes. "Unlike him my mother raised me to respect people. I don't walk around and assume I'm invited to shit like I'm all high and mighty. That doesnt happen. A decent person doesn't do that. Anyways, see ya tomorrow."

I stopped him before he entered the classroom. "Hey thanks. Also, why don't you come over again. Pizza and video games, my place? You can meet my dad and we can talk about Thursday." He nodded and walked into his classroom and I booked it to my class, smiling all the way.


Heyo. It's me. I'm not dead! Sorry about the delay, I lost interest then I gained interest then I got writer's block and it was a big mess, but y'all deserve a new chapter!

Sorry about all the highschool cliches, forgive me please!

Also, thanks to certifiedhecks for helping me choose what concert they'd gotten tickets for. I sat for three hours debating it until I texted them for help and we went with the most relevant guy on John's channel, haha.


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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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