Normal Day

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Walking through the doors Winston High had become a drill for me during the past three years. Every day I made my way up the stairs, through the crowded hallways smiling and waving at friends and into the common area outside the cafeteria that I met up with my best friend Kristen and our group. Today however, when I walked through the large glass doors, I saw a familiar face waiting for me. Shawn.
"Hey," he said, falling into stride next to me.
"Hey, Shawn," I said back, smiling while pulling a strand of my light brown hair, styled in loose curls falling halfway down my back. I was wearing cropped leggings, a multicolored tribal print tube top that showed just a thin line of my tanned skin between the hem and the beginning of my pants, and an oversized open front tan sweater. Overall, I looked like the typical Winston girl.
"Can I walk you to your homeroom?" He asked, falling into stride next to me.
"Yeah sure, that'd be great," I replied. I could feel the excitement building up inside me. As I looked around, I was met by envious looks from girls passing by. I felt invincible, walking side by side with one of the most attractive guys at school. Since freshman year, girls have always drooled over Shawn and his friends. I was never really one of those girls, I mean yeah I always thought they were cute, but what made them so special? Now, I started to understand the lust present in our Junior class to be with Shawn Mendes.
"I like your hair like that."
"Thank you," I said blushing while touching a curl to make sure they were still intact.
"What do you think of Mr. Miller's sub?" He asked, making conversation.
"I thought she was nice, but she seemed a little bit nervous. She was pretty young, maybe just out of college."
"Oh that's good. We have an English test coming up so I was wondering how the teacher was."
We approached the room and Shawn stopped just before the door, leaning against the wall. "So I guess I will see you later then?" He asked, his voice raising at the end as if it was a question.
"Yeah, definitely." I said, and I totally meant it.


"Clare! Where were you this morning I was worried you like got hit by a bus or something," Kristen joked as I walked up to our table at lunch. All morning I couldn't seem to get my mind off of Shawn, and how he waited for me this morning and walked me to class. Did he like me? Or was he just trying to be friendly because we talked yesterday?
"Hello, earth to Clare," my friend Julie said. I looked around the table and realized everyone was looking at me. Then I remembered Kristen's question.
"Oh yeah, no I had to meet with Mrs. O'Leary to talk about an assignment. Sorry I should have texted you guys," I apologized. I didn't want to tell my friends anything about Shawn. I mean there wasn't really anything to tell. I'm friends with tons of guys at this school.
Just then Tom Johnston, Wes Mulloy, and Evan Gallagher make their way up to our table and sit down. Wes put his arm around Kristen and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The two have them have been on and off since the summer. Right now they were not officially dating, but hooking up on the weekends. Kristen was one of the most popular in the Junior class. When we were younger, people used to tell us we could be twins, except for the fact that her hair was beach blond while mine was brown. When we hit middle school however, puberty hit her a little differently than me. While she got a big butt and boobs, I just got a few inches taller and maybe even a little skinnier. Now, boys flock to her while they barely even look at me. Its hard being best friends with a girl like Kristen, she gets all the boys and the compliments, while I get her hand me down bras she is constantly outgrowing.
"So anyone here about that crazy party at Justin's this weekend? His parents are gonna be out of town and he has the house to himself," Evan said taking a french fry from Lauryn's try as she slaps his hand away.
"Cool sounds good," Julie answered. "I just got this really cute crop top from Urban that I could totally wear," she added, tossing a piece of pin strait dirty blond hair over her shoulder.
"You guys could probably all come to my house before to like get ready and stuff," Kristen suggested. I went over in my head if I had any plans for the weekend. I know that I have to drive my little brother to a soccer game at some point, but I would not miss this party for anything. Justin is one of Shawn's best friends so I knew he would be there.
"Yeah, okay. Can't wait," I respond. Friday couldn't come soon enough.


Hey everyone!! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!!
Love you guys and I know its only a few of you but seriously any reads make my work worth it!!
Well I hope you are enjoying this and I know this last chapter was uneventful but I needed it to just like explain things and develop characters!!
I will be updating as much as possible!!

Getting to Know Him: A Shawn Mendes FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora