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<Clare's POV>

Four days past after the prom asking until Shawn and I became a "thing". We didn't want to move too fast or anything so we decided to not make anything official for a while. The week had gone by quickly, Shawn now waited for me outside my classes and occasionally we would have the same free and were able to hang out. I don't know what it is but something about Shawn makes him so much more interesting and different than all the other boys at Winston. Every time I see him waiting for me in the hall, or hear his voice from behind saying my name my stomach fills with butterflies and I can't help but smile. I don't want to get attached though, because I have watched Kristen get her heart broken since sixth grade and have learned that boys are dumb and never to fall before you know that they will catch you. I have had a few boyfriends before, but they were all basically middle school relationships which you talk over text and avoid them in person. I have just never found a boy that I really like who just happens to really like me I guess.

I made my way through the Junior parking lot and up to my silver Volvo.
"Clare!" I hear from behind me as I spin around, nearly spilling the soda I just picked up from the cafeteria after seventh period onto the prom dress I was carrying, which I was maybe going to borrow from Lauryn. I am greeted with a huge grin matched with the trademark dimple of Julie McMullen.
"Hey, Jul," I say after recovering from the near disaster.
"Hey wanna come over tonight? Kristen's doing ANOTHER date night with Wes and Lauryn is up in New York with her stepmom for the weekend or something like that so we could do a girl's night with the two of us! We haven't spent time together in so long I miss my Clare bear!!" Julie smiled.
"I'm so sorry Jul I so would but I can't I told Shawn I would go to his game then we would get something to eat after! Aw I love girl's nights you know that I so wish I could." I replied. Julie's face fell for just an instant before she recovered her radiating smile.
"No I totally understand!" she insisted, "Thats so cool and exciting for you guys seriously have fun! We can always do it another time there will still be pizza and chick flicks next weekend," Things like this are why I love Julie. She always puts everyone else first, and she gets excited about everything. She is just such a positive person to have in life.
"Thanks so much your the best," I said, giving her a hug.
"Now go get ready for you date!" she said, laughing while pushing me toward my car. I jumped in the front seat and gave Julie a wave before pulling out.


They won their game by two points both scored in last last five minutes of the game. Shawn plays varsity lacrosse, and hes pretty good. He score a goal in the end of the second half and had an assist on one of the last two. When the game was over and the coach was done talking Shawn jogged over and planted a kiss on my lips, then held my hand as we walked to the car. The navy blue jeep. Memories flooded into my mind from only about two weeks ago, from a time that I barely knew Shawn. Now, I felt like I had known him forever. Maybe I had, maybe sometimes we know strangers more than we think. We rounded the car to the passenger's side and Shawn opened the door for me, playfully bowing like a servant would to a queen.
"My lady," he said in a terrible british accent.
I laughed, "Why thank you, my prince."
Shawn walked back to his side of the car and hopped into the driver's seat. As he started the ignition, I studied to interior of the vehicle. It was spotless, you could see vacuum lines on the carpets and smell the freshness of the seats.
"Wow, you didn't have to clean your car for me," I said as he put the car into gear and began to drive.
"Oh, my mom's like crazy about keeping things clean and I guess I kind of inherited that trait. I just like order I guess."
Well yet another thing that made Shawn Mendes such an interesting boy. Its crazy how much something as simple as a clean car can reveal about a person.
"You played good tonight," I said, smiling over at him.
He smiled, and his cheeks filled with color, "Thanks, I guess I played alright. But its just because I knew you were watching."
"Well I guess maybe I'm a good luck charm then." I said with a smirk, raising my eyebrows.
"I guess your gonna have to come to some more games then." he replied, glancing over at me with his gorgeous brown eyes.
We pull in to the diner kids commonly go to after games and school event and walk through the huge red doors. We see some friends and exchanged some "heys" before sitting down in a small booth towards the back. We order two milkshakes and a large basket of fries to start.

<Shawn's POV>

Sitting across from Clare at the diner gave me the excuse to stare at her for however long I wanted to. I was beginning to really fall for her. I mean yeah, she had amazing looks and a nice personality, but it was something more than that that I was noticing. It was the way that she was able to really concentrate on something. Like anything from tying her shoe to listening to me talk, no matter what she gave it full attention. Also, it was the way that she laughed as loud as she wanted without caring what people thought of her. She did not let others keep her from being as happy as she wanted to be.
"What are you gonna order?" She asked, studying the menu.
"Uh, probably waffles. I figure its always the right time for breakfast foods even at nine-thirty at night."
"Oh my god I'm obsessed with breakfast! I was totally just looking at the chocolate chip pancakes."
"Breakfast it is then." I said, shutting the menu.
We had a great meal, sharing stories and laughs about our childhood. I told her about the time that I accidentally fed my baby sister dog treats instead of her cookies and when I realized I didn't tell anyone for years. And she told me about the time that her older brother brought home a bunny and they kept it a secret from their mom for a month until she found it while cleaning his room. She was just so easy to talk to, and she was a great story-teller. I just wanted to stay in that booth forever, just talking with this amazing girl, but an hour went by and we were done all of our food and her curfew was approaching.
"We should probably get going soon. I have to be home by eleven." Clare said, slurping the last drop of her chocolate shake.
"Yeah your right." I replied, but I was disappointed we had to go.
We got our stuff together and I paid the bill before we walked back into the night.

<Clare's POV>

As we got back into his navy blue Jeep, Shawn turned up the radio while it played the song "Springsteen", by Eric Church.
"Wow I love this song! I didn't know you listened to country!" I said while rolling down my window and opening the sun roof.
"I listen to anything thats good. And this is good." He replied. I sang the lyrics on the top of my lungs, not caring whether or not I was on pitch. Shawn looked over at me from the driver's seat and laughed. Here on this warm night, in this spotless car, with a boy I had practically just met, I found myself completely overwhelmed with hapiness. It was a great feeling, a feeling worth living through thousands of hardships to experience for one moment. When we pulled up to my house I felt sad that this night was coming to an end, but nothing could break the happiness I had inside me. Shawn parked the car and got out, jogging over to my side and opening my door.
"Can I walk you to your door?" He asked, as he held out his hand for me to hold. I took and and started up the slight hill that made up my front lawn. We got to the front door and I turned to face Shawn.
"Thank you so much for tonight. I had such a good time." I said.
"Of course, Clare, I had a great time, thank you for coming with me. Can we do it again?"
"Yes." I said just as he leaned in and gave me my first true kiss. It sent sparks through my body, making me fall for the boy who's lips were against mine. He pulled back, our eyes meeting in intense contact.
"Goodnight, Clare Hopewell."


Hey guys I am so sorry it took me seven years to update! also I didn't think that I gave Clare a last name yet but I could be wrong and that would be embarrassing so if I did just lmk and and I will change it!! thanks guys love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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Getting to Know Him: A Shawn Mendes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now