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<Claire's POV>
"Oh my god no way! Clare you little slore why didn't you tell me about this sooner!" Kristen laughed while we were walking to lunch on Monday.
"I don't know I didn't tell anyone! I'm not even sure what it was like it was just a hookup." I replied trying to hide a smile.
"Oh my god you like him. You so like him Clare! I see that smile." Kristen practically yelled. I looked around nervously hoping no one was listening to our conversation. Kristen knew me too well. I liked Shawn, and I liked him a lot. I didn't want to get my hopes up though because I knew how stupid boys are, so who knows what Shawn was thinking. I mean he didn't text me all weekend so I was beginning to think it was just a one time thing. I hadn't told anyone about Tom and I wasn't sure if I ever should. Tom is one of our best guy friends, not to mention him and Julie have a bit of a past. I mean it was nothing more than a homecoming dance freshman year and about two months of a "complicated" relationship. Anyways I thought it was best to just keep quiet about it for right now like he probably didn't even remember.
"Shit its chicken fingers." Kristen said as we entered the cafeteria.
"You love chicken fingers." I replied, confused, because normally she would be all over them in like point two seconds.
"I have to watch what I eat, Clare. Not everyone can live off of only junk food and still be a stick." Kristen remarked, and I was surprised by her sass. She has never been rude and moody like that.
I think I heard someone calling my name, but when I looked around I didn't see anyone.
"Oh my god look someone is being asked to Prom!" Lauryn said, catching up to us from behind. She looked as pretty as ever wearing a dark green sundress with a cutout back, combat boots, and her hair flowing loosely behind her.
We walked out into the common area and saw a huge banner reading "PROM?" hanging from the second story Chemistry lab. My mouth dropped open. Standing in the middle of the yard on top of a table holding a bouquet of flowers was the one and only Shawn Mendes.

<Shawn's POV>
I could feel the sweat building between my hands and the plastic wrapped around the flowers while I stood on that table making a fool of myself. What if shes absent or something? I thought to myself, half of me wanting to run back into the school and take that banner down. This was so dumb of me she is probably already going with someone, and she probably doesn't even like me. Just as I was about to chicken out I see her perfect brown hair and bronzed skin moving with the crowd into the cafeteria. As she walked through the big glass doors, I mumble to myself, "Here goes nothing."
"Clare!" I shout, surprised by the softness of my own voice. She sways her head left and right, not hearing me. She is walking with Kristen Swinger and Lauryn Drapes, though, and I see Lauryn point up at the banner. Finally, she looks up at me and our eyes meet.
"Clare!" I say, louder this time. She begins to walk toward me, the entire yard silent now, watching the two of us. As she approaches, smiling growing on her face, I glanced up toward the banner, steped down off the table and jumped onto the grass. "Will you go to Prom with me?" I said, handing her the bouquet of colorful flowers. I had spent close to thirty minutes in the Acme before school today, causing me to be slightly late for first period, missing homeroom all together, deciding which flowers to get her. I thought red roses were too romantic, and it wasn't like we were in a serious relationship, and I didn't want to get her white roses because they weren't colorful. So I settles for the ones labled, "Mixed Garden".
"I would love to," Clare said, giving me a huge smile, man did she have the prettiest smile in the world. She took the flowers and wrapped her arms around be holding me in the hug for just a moment longer than if you were to hug someone normally. She smelt amazing, and I wanted her to stay there in my arms. I didn't care that we were in front of a quarter of the school, I just wanter her to be mine for a little while longer. When she broke away from me the "aws" transformed into loud clapping and hooting. I did a little bow for everyone and the clapping grew, mixing in with laughter. Soon things settled down and everyone sat down at their normal tables and ate their lunches. I walked over with Clare to her friends to be greeted by high fives from Wes and Evan. Tom sat quietly and looked away, pretending to watch the announcements the flash across a screen on repeat in the corner of the common area.
"Cute guys, whats next? Marriage proposal?" Julie McMullen said to us laughing.
"Already bought the ring." I responded, putting my arm around Clare. The friends laughed while Clare just looked at me and raised her eyebrows, still with that beautiful smile.
"Do you even have this lunch?" Clare said.
"Uhhh, I have a free period?" I said, not wanting to leave this moment.
"Yeah sure, go to class," she said pushing me playfully toward the direction of the doors.
"Fiiine, but meet me in front of the statue after seventh period?"
"Yeah, fine" she said, teasing me.
"See ya then," and I gave her a wink before turning around and going back into the school to catch the second half of World History I had missed.
The final bell couldn't come soon enough.

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