Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

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Dr. Hopper did not like what he was witnessing. He, of course, knows the issues that surround the Mills family, how Regina and Zelena are keeping a secret from Sophie.

"Mr. Gold," Dr. Hopper sighed, "mind if I borrow Gemma for a second?"

Rumple nods and Gemma got up from her seat and followed Dr. Hopper to the next room. In the room Zelena, Regina, Emilia, and Sophie sat in the corner waiting for the doctor and Gemma.

Dr. Hopper clapped, "Ladies, do you know why I called you here today?"

Sophie shook her head.

"You are all headed in a road that will be harder and harder to make a U-turn the farther you go." Dr. Hopper insisted, "I am giving each of you a way back, take it or leave it. All you have to do is tell the truth."

Sophie looked at Gemma, who said, "Oh no, you are not pinning this one on me!"

"I wasn't going to." Sophie shook her head.

"What is it, sweet pea?" Zelena asked.

"It's just..." Sophie looked down, "one of the guards has been noticing some changes in the witch's attitude lately and we're afraid that it might lead to our cover to be blown."

"Is that it?" Regina asked.

Gemma nods, "Uhuh."

Regina looked relieved, as she exchanged looks with her sister.

Zelena seemed worried about something. Sophie smiled weakly, "Well, if that's it... then..."

"Hold on." Zelena said, "Soph, there is something..."

"Zelena..." Regina interrupted.

"Yes?" Sophie asked.

"Look, Gemma," Regina started, "29 years ago Belle gave birth to a baby girl and well I sent her through a portal here. I then wiped Belle's memory of her baby..."

Gemma was unusually quiet that worried Sophie. She jumped in between her friend and her aunt, just in time to stop Gemma from clawing Regina's eyes out.

Gemma growls, "Out of my way, Sophie!"

Sophie didn't move an inch. She stood there with her arms folded and one leg in front of the other. "And what let you hurt my aunt?" she chuckles, "You've got to be kidding me."

"Fine!" Gemma exasperated, "But this isn't over!"

Sophie had her aunt behind her.

Rumple burst in the door, just as Sophie raised her hand.

Rumple ran to protect his daughter.
"What is going on here?!" he demands.

Gemma stomped out the room in anger.

"Gemma!" Sophie tried to run after Gemma but Regina had gotten a hold of Sophie's arm preventing her from going anywhere.

"Let her go." Regina ordered, "Sophie, let Gemma go."

Sophie slapped her aunt without even thinking, as her hand touched Regina's face Zelena gasped.

Regina winced in pain, as Sophie ran after her friend.

Zelena pulls Emilia back for the same reason why Sophie stepped in between Regina and Gemma. To prevent the young girl from hurting Regina. Never did the thought of Sophie actually hurting Regina, crossed Zelena's mind. Dr. Hopper watched in horror at his patients.

Zelena had let go of Emilia and just stood there like a statue, a very shock statue.

"Let them go," Dr. Hopper sighs, "we all know that is not the secret."

Regina held her cheek, there was a red hand print on it. "I couldn't let Sophie be mad at her own mother." she sat down.

Zelena sat beside her sister, "Thank you, but you just dug yourself a whole, in which could potentially lead to your destruction."

Regina breathed, "I know, the risk of having Sophie mad at me, the whole town will turn against me. She and Gemma are more likeable than all the Charmings..."

"What are you talking about?!" Rumple demands.

"Sophie shot her father." Zelena admits.

"What..." Rumple had trouble processing it, "You mean Lord Christopher's Sophie's father?"

"Yes." Zelena nods.

"I got to ask," Rumple chuckles, "how stupid do you have to be to trade Lord Christopher for Hades?"

Regina cracks a smile. Zelena rolls her eyes, "Pretty stupid but I was blinded by Hades' power."

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