Chapter 1

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Once Upon a time... an angel and a devil fell in love.

     I still remember the story that my mother had told me when I was just a young spirit. I remember the warmth of the fire and the sound of the wood popping in the fireplace. I remember feeling safe with her arms wrapped tightly around me. Her soft brown curly hair dangling over my face, tickling my nose, her warm brown eyes showing all of the love and affection she held for me. Her lips opened to reveal her beautiful white teeth. She cooed at me telling me how much she loved me, her only son. I was picked up and gently placed on the edge of her knee. I looked up at her and turned my head to the side in curiosity.

    She laughed a short pleasant laugh, her eyes disappearing for a moment. They returned with a sparkle in them that I knew was for me. She looked up and frowned a little, wrinkles appeared on her brow letting me know that she was deep in thought. Her mouth twisted as she tried to think of the words to tell me. Her expression cleared and she looked back down at me.

    "I'm going to tell you a story. A story that my mother told me when I was your age. A story that will twist in with your future, your destiny. So pay attention." She looked at me seriously. I quickly nodded to tell her that I understood. She laughed a little at the confused expression that was surely on my face. "My mother told me a story of a little girl who had a loving caring family with two younger brothers. One day she went into the forest and met the prince of the underworld. In an instant the prince fell in love with her and took her as his bride. She was to never again see her family whom she loved." As she said the last few words, a tear rolled down her cheek. My small beating heart tugged with a feeling that this story was hers.

    "Mommy?" She subtly wiped her eyes, the blue tears disappearing and blending in with the rich soft red color of her dress.

    "Sorry honey." She sniffed and closed her eyes taking a long deep breath. A motion she hoped would calm herself down. She continued telling me a story that she said would become my own.

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