Chapter 8

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Before we fly up to meet Ares, I grab Cupid's bow and arrows, unsure if training will be interrupted by a Call. I take the quiver, comfortably holding twelve arrows, and strap it over my shoulder.

When I was given the title of Cupid, the quiver's strap wouldn't fit over my wings. A leather buckle had to be added so it could easily be strapped over my shoulder and across my chest.

The bow rests neatly on my dresser as I reach over to grab it. I hold the grip of the bow and stare at it admirably. It's made of Osage Orange wood with a red and white string twisted to each end. The arrows match, carved out of the same golden wood as the bow.

With Arcturus quietly seated on my shoulder, bow and diamond in hand, I head towards the big cumulonimbus cloud where Ares said to meet. It's a training colosseum free for all to train, and bored gods can stop by to watch.

It rests directly above Mount Othrys and is only a few wingbeats above my room. At a steady pace, we arrive in two minutes flat.

The colosseum is a huge circular structure, with white marble pillars aligning all around. There's a space between the arena wall and the pillars that allow celestial beings to walk alongside the length of the colosseum. Inside, the sky is visible with no roof to cover the top. This allows the arena to be naturally air conditioned because of the moisture in the air and the high altitude. Gods and goddesses have free access to float in and out whenever they feel like it.

I walk towards the middle of the arena savoring the crisp air that rushes through my hair, thus calming my nerves. The floor is flat and smooth, easy to walk on and circular in shape. Platforms rise up like stairs around the center, reaching the top in the nosebleeds before ending. I'm confident enough to say the space allows for twenty-or-so levels, giving each viewer enough space to stretch their arms and legs while in their seats.

Across from the entrance, the seating area is interrupted by an intricate overhang. The rectangular seating booth is filled with plush cushions and luxurious drapes for King Cronus and his dear Queen to sit.

It's uncommon to see the two hanging about in such a crowd as they both have important duties to attend to. But on occasion, they have been seen in the booth watching competitors, such as Orion, competing in battles, archery, hunting, and other games of their liking.

I smile at the memory of competitions Orion would take part in. Gods from around the world would come just to see who he would champion over next. Despite being a mortal, he was very well-known.

Many mourned over his death.

I take a moment to pay my respects before I notice Ares near a weapon rack, marvelling at the battle toys.

As soon as he sees my father, Arcturus leaves my side to fly at Ares.

"Ah Arcturus! It's been a while since I've seen you last!" Ares hugs Arcturus before he awkwardly holds him out by his wings, like an adoring father would to his child. "You look well. I'm glad Agape's still taking care of you despite her new fame." Before I can shoot a smart remark back, Arcturus struggles out of Ares' grip and flies back on my shoulder, squaw-ing at my father in protest and cuddling up to me. It throws me off guard and I start to fall before I catch myself.

"Arcturus," I hold my hand against him to keep him still.

"Haha, sorry not sorry." He caws happily and continues to move around. I laugh before I grab his feathery face and press my cheek against it.

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