New Friends and Enemies

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I walked up to the school gates starting to get butterflies I start to have doubts about this new school life. I hope they won't judge me? Or make fun of my scares? What if they thing I'm a girl? It was already to late to leave. As I entered the principles office the first thing I see Iruka which makes me really happy knowing that there is someone I know here.
" Yo Iruka what are you doing here I didn't know you wanted to be a principal and in high school I thought the elementary school was enough for you to handle." I stated sarcastically
"Now now it's not right to make enemies instead of friends on your first day here" he said chuckling a bit
" yeah okay so let's get this thing rolling what do I need?" I bluntly asked.
" huh~ you really are a handful sometimes." He sighed
No ones pov
Iruka stared by giving him a list of what he should have in his bag for his classes and what classes he would attended and a list of after school clubs and his sports wear which he would need for 5th period. After Iruka gave Naurto everything he needed the started walking towards his Homeroom and his first class of the day; English with Kakashi sensei. Iruka walked in first followed by Naruto the class was silent at first but interested in the in guy.
" good morning everyone today you have a new student joining us today and I hope you all show him how fun and easy school life here is."
Iruka gestured Naruto to introduce himself.
" Yo I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm exited to be here." He sad with a grin on his face.
Okay Naruto can you go sit over at the empty seat next to the window behind the boy with a pineapple growing an his head, Shikamaru please raise your hand."
"Ah man what a drag" he spat raising his had
Naruto walked towards the back of the seat while Kakashi started the roll all 
"This Shikamaru guy looks tired but seems okay? Maybe he doesn't really want to get cat called in front of the class." Naruto thought.
"Psst~ don't worry he is just really lazy, hi I'm kiba, Kiba inuzuka and mister lazy Shikamaru Nara and in front of him who is eating the chips is Chōji Akimichi and the the one with glasses is Shino Aburame. Wanna hang out with us at lunch?" Kiba whispered.
"Sure that would be great thanks!" Naruto grinned
After Kakashi sensei's lessons was history with Asuna sensei which was fun all he did was give the students crosswords and other puzzles that they could work on with each other while he was on his phone texting or playing games. Finally lunch where the 5 headed to the roof top.
"Naruto there are some rules you need to know and you can't take them lightly." Kiba announced very seriously.
"Sure what are they?"
1. Don't ever groan in gym class or the coach will double the numbers just grin and bare it.
2. Never stare at the science teacher no matter how hard it is just don't or what he dose just focus on the task he gives you.
3. Never be late to health classes or the teacher will use you as a lab rat
4. Don't talk in maths you will get extra homework, it's guaranteed
5. Choose who you want to trust wisely for example we all here trust each other and we trust you as well but do you trust us?
And rule 6. Never make enemies with sasuke, his friends or his fan girls will do something about it and they are really crazy about him!
"Okay I got it thanks."
"Good now what do we have after the first break" Chōji asked while trying to keep the chips in his mouth.
"Aahhhhh~ science and Health" Shikamaru yawned
While the guys started heading to class Naruto felt like something was watching him and it didn't leave a good feeling. Kiba was right it was hard not staring at Orochimaru sensei I mean he was pale as white, yellow eyes and did some weird stuff with his tongue but he got through it, maths was a lot easier I mean there wasn't much to talk about since lunch was a few minutes away.
At lunch we went to the cafeteria instead of the roof because at lunch the teachers would be up there talking  and it was mystery meal day, the mystery was why good food all of the sudden.
As Naruto went to grab the last mini pie another hand made its way to it.
Naruto's pov
I looked up to see the same creep from this morning who nearly made me late well jokes on him if he thinks I'm letting him take the pie.
" Yo this is my pie go get something else creep"
"Hoho someone's acting brave don't you know who I am?" He smirked
"I don't really care much just give me the damn pie I got to it first!"
" Now I remember you to cutie form this morning."
"I AM NOT CUTE YOU JACKASS!!" Naruto shouted
Everyone turned there attention to the yelling and stared widely and stayed where they were quietly or moved away from the two so they weren't too close. It was weird that everyone did this but I was still to focus on MY pie.
"Naruto what are you doing!?" Kiba yelped
"What do you think this creep is trying to take my pie even though I got it first."
"Dude you don't know what your doing just let go of it"
I thought for a moment then I started to pull on the tray hard the I let him have it....all over his uniform. Everyone started to gasp and whisper then I felt a hint of satisfaction come over me but not enough so I grabbed two Juice boxes and started squeezing it all over him will he was too focus with the pie.
"Aww I'm sooo sorry need a tissue for the issue" I said sarcastically
" Don't you know who I am"
I could tell he wasn't happy and tried to to hold it in.
"Yeah I know who you are. You are the guy thought a ducks ass would make the perfect hair style."
I grinned from ear to ear seeing how pissed he was and the little snickers I heard but Kiba pulled me out of the cafeteria to the roof where there were no teachers to be seen but the other guys.
"Are you crazy what happened to 'following the rules' we told you about!"
"What do you mean?"
"Duh don't mess with sasuke!"
"What...that was sasuke!?"
"You guys didn't tell me what he looked like you only said his name"
There was a moment of silent so until Shikamaru started to chuckle.
"Hahah his got a point Kiba you didn't say what he looked like only his name hahah"
Yeah but there is the 3 strike thing he has so you only have to strikes." Chōji said munching on another bag of chips .
"Ha that's the problem he used them all up on slamming a pie and spraying a juice box on him and calling his hairstyle a ducks ass oh and how could I forget calling him a jackass!!"
"Wow your doomed Naruto but don't worry it might blow over so don't worry"
"Thanks Chōji."
"Don't worry we will make sure we have your back if anything happens"
"Thanks Shino"
"It's going to be a drag but we will have your back"
"Thanks Shikamaru"
"You better be careful from now on okay!"
"Yeah I will"
The bell rang and it was time for gym and an elective class which was cancelled due to an accident with the teacher so it was double gym which was a killed I mean 20 laps around the school 20 push ups, mountain climbs, sit ups, squats and lunges 3 times.
When the bell rang we signed with relief and started walking to the locker rooms and started heading home when I walked off of school grounds someone pulled me back in and behind the bushes.
"Now now you thought I would let you off the hook for doing those things to me and I front of everyone, I know your new so I'll let it slide but I want some thing from you for letting me do this for you." Sasuke smirked acting all high and mighty
"Oh yeah and what would that be hmm?"
Sasuke pushed Naruto to the ground and sat lightly on his torso while holding his wrist over his head.
"Well it's just really simple dear NA-RU-TO."
Sasuke had a huge smirk across his face will the little fox was trying all his might to get out of the hold nothing stopped the Raven sealing his lips with the other boy then he stared to suck on his neck and luck was definitely on his side because he instantly found his sweet sensitive spot which made Naruto moan loudly.
"Now don't ever upset me again or it won't end smoothly for you my little fox. Bye bye~"  Sasuke purred will walking away
Naruto arrived to his apartment and started to do his homework but when he finished he did what he had to do in the bathroom and just went to bed but couldn't help but feel how warm his lips were.
First day of school...
Made friend
Possibility of enemies are high
And now my first kiss is gone and to a guy!

Hey my foxes I'm sorry it took me this long to add a part two but I didn't really think it was good but I'm glad people like it so I made a longer part two and I'll try to post regular.
Until the next chapter bye bye~

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