When hunger stikes

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Naruto woke up to the ringing of his alarm clock to get ready for school but knowing him, he just throw the infuriating device towards the wall and curled up tight under his covers to continue his slumber. Eventually he woke up to check the time and unfortunatly he only had 10 minutes till he had to get to school. What an exciting  second day of school.
Naruto's POV
Why can't I wake up when I need to, damn I'm going to be late.
Well I'll just skip breakfast and showering I'll get dress and brush my teeth.
  6 minutes later
Only 4 minutes left!!

No one POV
Naruto started to run to school as fast as he could without stopping or even giving a second glance to anyone around him. He really didn't want to be late.
The school gates started to get in view, he was going to make it. He started to move faster then he ever did. He made it, he made his way to his class and luckily the Homeroom teacher wasn't there yet. When Naruto entered it instantly became a war zone, all eyes were on him and not in the most friendly way.

Naruto's POV
WHY are they all staring? Should I have just taken my time and came late? This is really not the school life I wanted!
"Yo Naruto, get over here we need a word with you" Kiba cried out
I walked towards my new friends, which I'm glad to have met.
"Morning guys, where's Shikamaru and Chōji?"
"Shikamaru is up sleeping on the roof and Chōji went to get food but then he is going up  to hang out with Shikamaru."
"How long?"
"For the double periods we are having"
"It's going to be P.E"
"Shit I forgot to eat, but hopefully it won't be as bad as yesterday right?"
"It was nice knowing you bro."
After PE
"Kiba, I can't feel my legs...help me up..please!"
"Hahahahahahahah let me get a quick pic bro"
"You Mut, I'm gonna-"
I started to chase Kiba around the locker room
" what happened to begging for help?"
" after I kill you and delete the pictures!!"
I tripped on my own foot and before I hit the gowned (not sure who) I collided with someone which brought him down to
"Oww oww ...........Sasuke?!"
Everything around me went blank well I could probably hear Kiba laughing and taking pictures but nothing upset tied me more then the look in sasuke's eyes, they were first so dull but now he looks so hungry.
[avoiding eye contact] "so-sorry sasuke, Kiba help me up...! Kiba?
I looked around for him and he wasn't there not even anyone else. Just me and him.
[whispering directly in the ear ] "so you can't walk huh? I didn't do anything yet by at least I know your prepared for some....fun"
" ah hell noooo!! I'm not some chick you can pick off the side of the street!"
" well I'm picking up something and it looks fresh"
Before I could do anything he picked me up bridal style-
Shit my legs Still hurt [growl~~]
" Is baby hungry cause daddy has a big lunch for him"
"Baby rather starve- wait no that's not what I meant, I mean I rather starve!!"
"Hehehehahahahah that's so cute!"
That's the first time he truly smiled. It's kind of cute.
[smiles a little] " can you put me down now?"
"First I'll take you to the infirmary"
"Nononon!!!! It's break there sure to be students out there, it's out of the question, I won't let you carry me like this!"
I Naruto Uzumaki here by declare that I will die the moment I let my guard down why? Cause this TEME is carrying me through the corridors..... Over his shoulder! The girls are really gonna kill me especially the pinky, redhead and ash blonde. Well it was fun while it lasted, goodbye high school life dream and hello death sentence to torture.
After school
The day went on well except for the few stares and that I couldn't find Kiba the whole time.
[sees him at the gate] " KI-BA !!!!!!"
" oh hell!"
I continued to chase him until we reached the arcade, where they said they usually hanged out.
" can you guys be quiet for a minute I'm trying to get tickets"
" why? Thought these kings of things would be a drag for you Shikamaru?"
He was trying to get a stuffed animal that looked like a stag.
" is your patronous a stag or what?"
" It's nothing like that naruto..munch.. You see Shikamaru's family name is Nara which means deer {hope this is true, correct me if wrong} and it's his favorite animal..munch.. It's a peaceful animal and mostly spends its time under the shade with the clouds over head..munch..munch.."
Wow that's so deep
"Is there a for fox or frog inside the game?"
" yeah, but only one fox and two frogs"
" I'll hand them all!"
1 hour later
I started to head home and honestly I didn't think it would take 20 tries till I got one. Guess I'll thank Shikamaru tommorow. I stared to walk up the stair to my apartment till I notice a box in front of the door. It was form Pervy sage {he's in America}.
Dear Naruto
It's great here in America and there are a lot of great thing to see and do. Hope school is going great, don't do thing I would when I started the lone life  and there are a few things I thought you would like in the box, got them for a great price though I know you can see it over there in Japan but not like is in orange I hope.
Lot of love Jiraiya.
I love that guy he is never that bad at all... Well when he needs to be I guess.
Now let's see what I got

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