Chapter Five

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"Good afternoon sleepy." Adrienne cooed over me as I shuffled myself downstairs for food. I gave her a kiss.

"You slept late." She laughed. I watched as she unwrapped the cord to the vacuum. "Yeah I guess i did." I mumbled.

"Hello?" She answered the house phone. I scanned through the refrigerator. Damn there's never anything good to eat around here. I settled on some orange juice and toast.

"Honey.." She walked back into the room. "Can you go grocery shopping today?" I cut her off. "I just went two days ago." She sounded concerned. "I'm about to start eating dog food. Looks better then this tofu crap you got in here." I made a face at the thought. "Well there's no time for that Billie, the school just called Joeys in the principals office he's suspended." She grabbed her keys. "Suspended! Since when are they aloud to suspend six year olds?" I yelled. "Since six year olds started hitting little girls on the playground." She shook her head in disappointment. "He did what!?" I yelled again this time grabbing Adrienne's keys out of her hand. "I'll handle this." Her jaw dropped. "Well okay then.. Thank you babe.." She smiled. "And you.. Well you just go get some food maybe try bacon this time.." She laughed as I closed the front door behind me.

I was infuriated the entire ride to the school. Joey knew better then to hit especially a girl! Boy was he in for it. I was buzzed in through the large steel doors by the main office receptionist who guided me to the principals office.

"Here you are Mr. Armstrong." She showed me in but to my surprise Joey was no where to be seen.

"Uh.. Where's my-" she interrupted before I could finish.

"Your daughter is sitting right over there sir." She pointed to a little girl in denim overalls, her hair was in one long pony tail that hung to the side off her shoulder. She wore flip flops and kicked her tiny feet back and forth in frustration as she stared at the floor.

"My what?" I looked ahead confused. "I'm here for my son Joseph. I don't have a daughter." She looked between myself and the girl whose eyes were now fixed on me.

"Oh." She began. "Oh dear I'm so sorry.. I just.. I assumed. The resemblance between the two of you is striking.." She smiled nervously.

Before I could respond Joey had walked up next to me, Principal Lane was calling us back.

"Mr. Armstrong, Joey, you can join me in my office." He looked stern. "You too Lilly." He pointed his finger towards the same little girl forcing her to follow his order.

"What exactly is going on Principal Lane?" I asked hesitantly taking my seat in the cold hard chair.

"We're waiting on Lilly's mother, she's running a few minutes late." He put his glasses on and began writing on a paper in front of him. I squirmed in my seat. I looked over at Joey and the little girl Lilly, they looked just as nervous as me.

Principal Lane stood up as the office door squeaked open. "Ah Ms. Grant, good to see you again."

I turned half way in my seat before I saw her.


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